57556-009 : Homeopathic Pick Up Drops Oral Lozenge

Labeler: Historical Remedies Llp.
Product Type: Human OTC Drug
Drug Name: Homeopathic Pick Up Drops
Dosage Form: Oral Lozenge
Rev. Date: 

NDC Package Codes:

  • 57556-009-01: 30 LOZENGE IN 1 BOX (57556‑009‑01)

Active Ingredients:

  • Gelsemium Sempervirens Root
  • Matricaria Chamomilla
  • Arnica Montana Whole
  • Phosphoric Acid
  • Pulsatilla Vulgaris Whole
  • Aconitum Napellus Whole
  • Strychnos Nux-vomica Seed

Dosage Strength:

  • 12 [hp_X]/1
  • 12 [hp_X]/1
  • 12 [hp_X]/1
  • 12 [hp_X]/1
  • 12 [hp_X]/1
  • 12 [hp_X]/1
  • 12 [hp_X]/1

Related Products:

Based on records with the same trade name.
  • 57556-007 Homeopathic Pick Up Drops Oral Lozenge by Historical Remedies Llp.


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