This page contains the most recent discussion threads pertaining to Tuberculosis, as well as a list of all of the drugs falling within this category.Tuberculosis Overview
Tuberculosis (TB), also known colloquially as the "white death", or historically as consumption, is a contagious disease usually caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) bacteria. Tuberculosis generally affects the lungs, but it can also affect other parts of the body. Most infections show no symptoms, in which case it is known as latent tuberculosis. Around 10% of latent infections progress to active disease that, if left untreated, kill about half of those affected. Typical symptoms of ac...
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Recent Tuberculosis Forums: 
Side Effects of Fixcom 4
side effect of fixcom 4 to the body ## Fixcom 4 contains the Rifampicin 150mgs, 400mgs of Pyrazinimide and 257mgs of Ethambutol, it is used to treat TB. Side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, stomach irritation and color blindness. Do you have any more questions? ## i am taking a dilantin 100 mg 1x daily i also take a fixcom 4 3x daily is there any side effect of taking this both drugs? ## I'm taking Fixcom4 but I'm afraid that I have Thrombocytopenia. I read somewhere that if I have that, I should stop taking Fixcom 4. I often feel groggy and dizzy and my coughing intensified. ## I am taking Fixcom 4 for my chronic granulomatous lymphadenitis.Presently I am experiencing muscle pain in both my lower extremities. Can fixcom 4 be the reason for this? Do I have to discontinu...
Updated in Ethambutol
side effect of fixcom 4 to the body ## Fixcom 4 contains the Rifampicin 150mgs, 400mgs of Pyrazinimide and 257mgs of Ethambutol, it is used to treat TB. Side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, stomach irritation and color blindness. Do you have any more questions? ## i am taking a dilantin 100 mg 1x daily i also take a fixcom 4 3x daily is there any side effect of taking this both drugs? ## I'm taking Fixcom4 but I'm afraid that I have Thrombocytopenia. I read somewhere that if I have that, I should stop taking Fixcom 4. I often feel groggy and dizzy and my coughing intensified. ## I am taking Fixcom 4 for my chronic granulomatous lymphadenitis.Presently I am experiencing muscle pain in both my lower extremities. Can fixcom 4 be the reason for this? Do I have to discontinu...
Updated in Ethambutol
Side Effects Of Forecox
I would like to know more about the side effects of forecox ## side effects of forecox medicine ## Forecox contains: ethambutol 400 mg, isoniazid 150 mg, pyrazinamide 750 mg, rifampicin 225 mg It is used to treat tuberculosis. It is available in India and since it is not available in the US, I am afraid I can't find any other information on it. Does anyone else know anything? ## I WANT TO KNOW ABOU THE POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS OF FORECOX (TWICE IN A DAY)ON A FEMALE AGED 25YRS ## there are not too much of side effects of forecox,, after 20-30 days of consumption u become habitual of this medicine, don't worry at all forecox is a perfect treatment for normal tb. God bless YOU! ## I am using fore cox since last three months. Doctor says it is enough to use this tablet for 2 months. Bu...
Updated in Ethambutol
I would like to know more about the side effects of forecox ## side effects of forecox medicine ## Forecox contains: ethambutol 400 mg, isoniazid 150 mg, pyrazinamide 750 mg, rifampicin 225 mg It is used to treat tuberculosis. It is available in India and since it is not available in the US, I am afraid I can't find any other information on it. Does anyone else know anything? ## I WANT TO KNOW ABOU THE POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS OF FORECOX (TWICE IN A DAY)ON A FEMALE AGED 25YRS ## there are not too much of side effects of forecox,, after 20-30 days of consumption u become habitual of this medicine, don't worry at all forecox is a perfect treatment for normal tb. God bless YOU! ## I am using fore cox since last three months. Doctor says it is enough to use this tablet for 2 months. Bu...
Updated in Ethambutol
How to take Fixcom 4
I'm looking for information on how to take fixcom 4? ## TAKING FIXCOM 4 WILL BE BEFORE BREAKFAST AND IT SHOULD BE 2 CAPSULES NECESSARILY TO TAKE THEN ALSO BEFORE LUNCH AND SUPPER. 3X A DAY. ## Do i have to take 3 tablets of fixcom 4 all at the same time? Please answer..thank u. ## My doctor prescribe me to take only 1 tablet a day of fixcom 4.. Is it really ok? Plz I need ur help.. ## My doctor said that i should take 4 pcs of fixcom 4 in one dose in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast is this right? Thank you ## My husband takes 3 capsules before breakfast. Is this dosing regimen correct? ## I accidentally took 4 tablets of Fixcom-2 (for tuberculosis) instead of 3 tablets only... What will happen? I’m scared. Please reply.
I'm looking for information on how to take fixcom 4? ## TAKING FIXCOM 4 WILL BE BEFORE BREAKFAST AND IT SHOULD BE 2 CAPSULES NECESSARILY TO TAKE THEN ALSO BEFORE LUNCH AND SUPPER. 3X A DAY. ## Do i have to take 3 tablets of fixcom 4 all at the same time? Please answer..thank u. ## My doctor prescribe me to take only 1 tablet a day of fixcom 4.. Is it really ok? Plz I need ur help.. ## My doctor said that i should take 4 pcs of fixcom 4 in one dose in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast is this right? Thank you ## My husband takes 3 capsules before breakfast. Is this dosing regimen correct? ## I accidentally took 4 tablets of Fixcom-2 (for tuberculosis) instead of 3 tablets only... What will happen? I’m scared. Please reply.
Myrin P Forte Side Effects
side effect of myrin p forte ## Myrin-P Forte contains Ethambutol, Rifampicin, Isoniazid and Pyrazinimide, it is most commonly used to treat Tuberculosis infections. Side effects can include: nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and vomiting. Learn more: Are there any other questions? ## im expiriencing delay on my period, is it another side effect of the med?im just worried.thanks. ## I am taking myrin p forte and my period got it one of the side effects?. ## Hi 2013 i was diagnosed tb may liver is mild enlarged,heart enlarged,i have a stone in my gall take myrin almost it a side effects of myrin? ## My daughter is taking myrin P Forte for around 6 weeks now and having severe joint pain. Her uric acid and alts are on a constant raise ## Hi! I'm cu...
Updated in Ethambutol
side effect of myrin p forte ## Myrin-P Forte contains Ethambutol, Rifampicin, Isoniazid and Pyrazinimide, it is most commonly used to treat Tuberculosis infections. Side effects can include: nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and vomiting. Learn more: Are there any other questions? ## im expiriencing delay on my period, is it another side effect of the med?im just worried.thanks. ## I am taking myrin p forte and my period got it one of the side effects?. ## Hi 2013 i was diagnosed tb may liver is mild enlarged,heart enlarged,i have a stone in my gall take myrin almost it a side effects of myrin? ## My daughter is taking myrin P Forte for around 6 weeks now and having severe joint pain. Her uric acid and alts are on a constant raise ## Hi! I'm cu...
Updated in Ethambutol
White pill E7
I found 2 pills. They are pretty small. It looks like it can be cut into 2 pieces. All it says on it is E7. ## A white round pill with E | 7 on one side and blank on the other is Ethambutol hydrochloride (400mg); marketed for use in treating tuberculosis. Inactive Ingredients: - Gelatin - Hydroxypropyl Cellulose - Magnesium Stearate - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate - Sorbitol - Stearic Acid - Sucrose - Titanium Dioxide For verification, the manufacturer is listed as Sti Pharma and the pill itself carries a National Drug Code of 68850-005. You can also click on the NDC link to view an image of the pill. I hope this helps! ## I found a small round pill that looks like a fancy E 7 that looks like it could be cut in half any idea what it is? ## Also trying to ID a round off white pill imprint E 7 #...
Updated in Ethambutol
I found 2 pills. They are pretty small. It looks like it can be cut into 2 pieces. All it says on it is E7. ## A white round pill with E | 7 on one side and blank on the other is Ethambutol hydrochloride (400mg); marketed for use in treating tuberculosis. Inactive Ingredients: - Gelatin - Hydroxypropyl Cellulose - Magnesium Stearate - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate - Sorbitol - Stearic Acid - Sucrose - Titanium Dioxide For verification, the manufacturer is listed as Sti Pharma and the pill itself carries a National Drug Code of 68850-005. You can also click on the NDC link to view an image of the pill. I hope this helps! ## I found a small round pill that looks like a fancy E 7 that looks like it could be cut in half any idea what it is? ## Also trying to ID a round off white pill imprint E 7 #...
Updated in Ethambutol
Daily dosage of myrin-p forte in far advanced tuberculosis
what is the required daily dosage of myrin p forte tab in far advanced pulmonary tuberculosis? is Myurin forte very effective in this ptb classification? ## These are the medications traditionally used to treat it. Myrin-P Forte contains: Ethambutol HCl 275 mg, rifampicin 150 mg, INH 75 mg, pyrazinamide 400 mg The daily dosage is usually calculated for this by body weight: 71 kg 5 tab/day, 55-70 kg 4 tab/day, 40-54 kg 3 tab/day Do you have any other questions? ## he is sweating at night, pain in his hips and above the hips. is it normal this king of things while you are in medication?are these things is common for someone who is sick in this illness?how long it take to cure this pain and this illnes? ## helo..i was treated w/ptb on d upper left lobe..i take 3 tablets of myrin p-forte..i...
Updated in Ethambutol
what is the required daily dosage of myrin p forte tab in far advanced pulmonary tuberculosis? is Myurin forte very effective in this ptb classification? ## These are the medications traditionally used to treat it. Myrin-P Forte contains: Ethambutol HCl 275 mg, rifampicin 150 mg, INH 75 mg, pyrazinamide 400 mg The daily dosage is usually calculated for this by body weight: 71 kg 5 tab/day, 55-70 kg 4 tab/day, 40-54 kg 3 tab/day Do you have any other questions? ## he is sweating at night, pain in his hips and above the hips. is it normal this king of things while you are in medication?are these things is common for someone who is sick in this illness?how long it take to cure this pain and this illnes? ## helo..i was treated w/ptb on d upper left lobe..i take 3 tablets of myrin p-forte..i...
Updated in Ethambutol
Anti Tuberculosis side effects
What are the possible side effects while taking Myrin P forte tablets? ## What are the side effects of myrin tablets? ## My mother in law is taking myrine p forte. It is not helping her and she is in still in pain. She has had xrays and ultrasound but no problem was found. ## i was diagnose of PTB minimal...the first medicines that my doctor given 2 me....i was having rashes all over my body she prescribe me to take myrin-p forte and i was scared wat if i will experience again the same thing.... ## This medication contains a combination of ingredients to help treat TB, they include Ethambutol, Rifampin, Pyrazinamide, Isoniazid. The NIH lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, headache, and skin rash. Joveelyn, it is possible, that can be...
Updated in Ethambutol
What are the possible side effects while taking Myrin P forte tablets? ## What are the side effects of myrin tablets? ## My mother in law is taking myrine p forte. It is not helping her and she is in still in pain. She has had xrays and ultrasound but no problem was found. ## i was diagnose of PTB minimal...the first medicines that my doctor given 2 me....i was having rashes all over my body she prescribe me to take myrin-p forte and i was scared wat if i will experience again the same thing.... ## This medication contains a combination of ingredients to help treat TB, they include Ethambutol, Rifampin, Pyrazinamide, Isoniazid. The NIH lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, headache, and skin rash. Joveelyn, it is possible, that can be...
Updated in Ethambutol
The doctor prescribed me Quadtab for anti-tuberculosis.4 tablets 30 mins before breakfast. Is it a side effect when my skin turns dark?... ## I've been taking quadtab 5 times a day. I feel this itch all over my body specially both of my legs and stomach. Is this a normal side effects of taking this medicine? ## What will happen if i take not enough dose of quadtab instead of 3 tablets i take only 1 tablet a there any harmful side effect? ## I also want to know. if what will happen when i didn't follow the quadtab prescription i only take one tablet instead of 4 tablet..
The doctor prescribed me Quadtab for anti-tuberculosis.4 tablets 30 mins before breakfast. Is it a side effect when my skin turns dark?... ## I've been taking quadtab 5 times a day. I feel this itch all over my body specially both of my legs and stomach. Is this a normal side effects of taking this medicine? ## What will happen if i take not enough dose of quadtab instead of 3 tablets i take only 1 tablet a there any harmful side effect? ## I also want to know. if what will happen when i didn't follow the quadtab prescription i only take one tablet instead of 4 tablet..
how to take quadtab
Im a call center agent and normally my shift is at night. When should i take the quadtab is it should be in the morning when i got home or in the evening once i wake up? I also skipped 1month in taking quadtab due to lack of budget can i still continue to take quadtab for another 1month before i see my doctor? ## This medication contains Ethambutol, Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide, and Isoniazid, it is most commonly used to treat TB. Generally, it needs to be taken continuously for several months without missing days, so you should consult your doctor as you might need to start over. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, skin rash, and diarrhea. Due to such issues, you may want to take it, when you are going to be home, for awhile, rather tha...
Updated in Ethambutol
Im a call center agent and normally my shift is at night. When should i take the quadtab is it should be in the morning when i got home or in the evening once i wake up? I also skipped 1month in taking quadtab due to lack of budget can i still continue to take quadtab for another 1month before i see my doctor? ## This medication contains Ethambutol, Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide, and Isoniazid, it is most commonly used to treat TB. Generally, it needs to be taken continuously for several months without missing days, so you should consult your doctor as you might need to start over. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, skin rash, and diarrhea. Due to such issues, you may want to take it, when you are going to be home, for awhile, rather tha...
Updated in Ethambutol
myrin p forte effects on lactating mother
My x ray and blood report diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis. Dr. Advised me myrin p forte four tablets before one hour of breakfast. As I am a lactating mother will it secreats with milk. Does this medicine effects my baby health. ## Hi i am a lactating mother does myrib drug affects my baby?
My x ray and blood report diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis. Dr. Advised me myrin p forte four tablets before one hour of breakfast. As I am a lactating mother will it secreats with milk. Does this medicine effects my baby health. ## Hi i am a lactating mother does myrib drug affects my baby?
Tuberculosis Medications (23 results)
- ETHAMBUTOL 45 discussions
- ETHIONAMIDE 1 discussion
- MYAMBUTOL Ethambutol2 discussions
- PACIS Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Vaccine, BCG
- PASER Aminosalicylate sodium, Aminosalicylic acid
- PRIFTIN Rifapentine
- RIFAMATE Isoniazid, INH + Rifampin
- RIFATER Isoniazid, INH + Pyrazinamide, PZA + Rifampin
- SIRTURO Bedaquiline
- SODIUM P.A.S. Aminosalicylate sodium, Aminosalicylic acid
- TEEBACIN Aminosalicylate sodium, Aminosalicylic acid
- THERACYS Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Vaccine, BCG
- TICE BCG Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Vaccine, BCG
- TRECATOR Ethionamide
- TUBASAL Aminosalicylate sodium, Aminosalicylic acid