This page contains the most recent discussion threads pertaining to Rosacea, as well as a list of all of the drugs falling within this category.Rosacea Overview
Rosacea is a long-term skin condition that typically affects the face. It results in redness, pimples, swelling, and small and superficial dilated blood vessels. Often, the nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin are most involved. A red, enlarged nose may occur in severe disease, a condition known as rhinophyma. The cause of rosacea is unknown. Risk factors are believed to include a family history of the condition. Factors that may potentially worsen the condition include heat, exercise, sunlight, ...
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Recent Rosacea Forums: 
Anaerobyl 400 Drug Information
I have not seen my period for six months and went to the doctor who then prescribed Anaerobyl 400 for me. What is it used for? ## What is Anaerobyl (Metronidazole) used for? According to MedlinePlus, Anaerobyl is used to treat infections of the reproductive system, GI tract, skin, heart, bone, joint, lung, blood, nervous system, and other areas of the body. It is also used to treat STDs and bacterial vaginosis. This medication is in a class of drugs called nitroimidazole antimicrobials, which works by stopping the growth of bacteria. However, only your doctor knows for sure why he decided to prescribe you an antibiotic in the first place. So you would essentially have to ask your doctor to find out more details about the alleged infection, where it's location was, how severe it is, ...
Updated in Metronidazole
I have not seen my period for six months and went to the doctor who then prescribed Anaerobyl 400 for me. What is it used for? ## What is Anaerobyl (Metronidazole) used for? According to MedlinePlus, Anaerobyl is used to treat infections of the reproductive system, GI tract, skin, heart, bone, joint, lung, blood, nervous system, and other areas of the body. It is also used to treat STDs and bacterial vaginosis. This medication is in a class of drugs called nitroimidazole antimicrobials, which works by stopping the growth of bacteria. However, only your doctor knows for sure why he decided to prescribe you an antibiotic in the first place. So you would essentially have to ask your doctor to find out more details about the alleged infection, where it's location was, how severe it is, ...
Updated in Metronidazole
Can I use Gelmicin for Rosacea
I've been treated for rosacea but the cream that my dermatologist gave me did nothing. Can this work for me? I have redness, flaking, irritation around my cheeks, eyebrows, and by my ears. ## Will this work on red spots on my cheeks? I am using metronidazole gel and it doesn't work. ## From what I could gather, Gelmicin Cream is indicated for treating a variety of skin problems, including: skin allergies; skin infections; eczema; & psoriasis. It also reportedly contains the following active ingredients: Betamethasone dipropionate 0.05g Gentamicin sulfate 0.10g Clotrimazole 1g However, since I don't see rosacea specifically listed as something it treats, you may have to contact your doctor/dermatologist for more details. I hope you continue to see signs of improvement in ...
Updated in Metronidazole
I've been treated for rosacea but the cream that my dermatologist gave me did nothing. Can this work for me? I have redness, flaking, irritation around my cheeks, eyebrows, and by my ears. ## Will this work on red spots on my cheeks? I am using metronidazole gel and it doesn't work. ## From what I could gather, Gelmicin Cream is indicated for treating a variety of skin problems, including: skin allergies; skin infections; eczema; & psoriasis. It also reportedly contains the following active ingredients: Betamethasone dipropionate 0.05g Gentamicin sulfate 0.10g Clotrimazole 1g However, since I don't see rosacea specifically listed as something it treats, you may have to contact your doctor/dermatologist for more details. I hope you continue to see signs of improvement in ...
Updated in Metronidazole
is anaerobyl 200 okay for pregnant woman
Am 9 months pregnant and at hospital they gave me anaerobyl to drink. Is it okay if I drink it? ## I'm two weeks pregnant, I had sharp pains from the second week, but only at night. Today I went to a clinic, and I was given anaerobyl 200 (metronidazole) white. Is it safe to use it? What is it used for? ## Hi, I am 8 weeks pregnant and I'm feeling much pain on my back and the discharge is grey. I went to my doctor on the weekend and he gave me an inj. of adco prolief, doxytet n anaeobyl but I'm still getting pain. Please help me. Should I stop or go ahead with treatment? ## Hi I'm Fortunate I went to the clinic because I didn't see my menstruation this past two months and have had yellow discharge, so they gave me anaerobyl 400. I came back positive for being pregnant...
Updated in Metronidazole
Am 9 months pregnant and at hospital they gave me anaerobyl to drink. Is it okay if I drink it? ## I'm two weeks pregnant, I had sharp pains from the second week, but only at night. Today I went to a clinic, and I was given anaerobyl 200 (metronidazole) white. Is it safe to use it? What is it used for? ## Hi, I am 8 weeks pregnant and I'm feeling much pain on my back and the discharge is grey. I went to my doctor on the weekend and he gave me an inj. of adco prolief, doxytet n anaeobyl but I'm still getting pain. Please help me. Should I stop or go ahead with treatment? ## Hi I'm Fortunate I went to the clinic because I didn't see my menstruation this past two months and have had yellow discharge, so they gave me anaerobyl 400. I came back positive for being pregnant...
Updated in Metronidazole
Vaginal discharge after taking Neo Penotran
Iam hoping that any of you experienced the same thing as mine. My OB Gyne prescribed me with Neo Penotran for 7 nights. After i inserted the suppository, i noticed a white cream like discharge when i peed the morning after of in the wee hours of the morning. It's like the suppository only melted inside and just went out when i peed. Is the discharge normal or i have to start all over again because i'm doing it the wrong way? Btw, i just finished my 4th night. Please help! Thanks in advance! ## Neo Penotran contains Metronidazole and Miconazole, it is used to treat various types of bacterial infections. Yes, it is normal for some of it to be expelled, but you still receive enough of the medication. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including irritation, redness, ...
Updated in Metronidazole
Iam hoping that any of you experienced the same thing as mine. My OB Gyne prescribed me with Neo Penotran for 7 nights. After i inserted the suppository, i noticed a white cream like discharge when i peed the morning after of in the wee hours of the morning. It's like the suppository only melted inside and just went out when i peed. Is the discharge normal or i have to start all over again because i'm doing it the wrong way? Btw, i just finished my 4th night. Please help! Thanks in advance! ## Neo Penotran contains Metronidazole and Miconazole, it is used to treat various types of bacterial infections. Yes, it is normal for some of it to be expelled, but you still receive enough of the medication. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including irritation, redness, ...
Updated in Metronidazole
Combitic Global caplet pvt ltd is this company legit? and has anybody used their product before?
Is this company and their product good? I filled a prescription for some metronidazole and they're sugar coated and have no markings but the packaging looks correct? A little iffy about taking them. ## Hi Shane, Based on my research, Combitic Global Caplet Private Limited does make themselves out to look like a legitimate manufacturer, with locations based in Haryana and New Delhi India. They even list the following address on their webpage: 2027/7, CHUNA MANDI, PAHARGANJ, NEW DELHI-110055 (INDIA) I can't say that they aren't who they claim they are (as I haven't tried any of their products)... but for being quote on quote "one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in India", I must admit that their webpage looks like pretty lousy. I also find it hard to trust ...
Updated in Metronidazole
Is this company and their product good? I filled a prescription for some metronidazole and they're sugar coated and have no markings but the packaging looks correct? A little iffy about taking them. ## Hi Shane, Based on my research, Combitic Global Caplet Private Limited does make themselves out to look like a legitimate manufacturer, with locations based in Haryana and New Delhi India. They even list the following address on their webpage: 2027/7, CHUNA MANDI, PAHARGANJ, NEW DELHI-110055 (INDIA) I can't say that they aren't who they claim they are (as I haven't tried any of their products)... but for being quote on quote "one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in India", I must admit that their webpage looks like pretty lousy. I also find it hard to trust ...
Updated in Metronidazole
is it safe to take expired metronidazole
I have a cream (metronidazole) that expired on 04/2015. Can i still use it? I have a bacterial infection but insurance does not cover this med. ## It will not become dangerous, once expired, since it is a topical medication, but it may have broken down, so it could be discolored, may have a funny odor, and will likely not work as well as it did, when new. Thus, it would be best to dispose of it and see your doctor about what else you can use to eradicate the infection. The FDA lists the side effects of such topical creams as possibly including redness, dryness, and irritation. What type of infection do you have? ## Is it ok to take metronidazole after expired date I have gastric problems ## I have metronidazole pills but the medicine expired last month on the 9th. Is it ok if I still ta...
Updated in Metronidazole
I have a cream (metronidazole) that expired on 04/2015. Can i still use it? I have a bacterial infection but insurance does not cover this med. ## It will not become dangerous, once expired, since it is a topical medication, but it may have broken down, so it could be discolored, may have a funny odor, and will likely not work as well as it did, when new. Thus, it would be best to dispose of it and see your doctor about what else you can use to eradicate the infection. The FDA lists the side effects of such topical creams as possibly including redness, dryness, and irritation. What type of infection do you have? ## Is it ok to take metronidazole after expired date I have gastric problems ## I have metronidazole pills but the medicine expired last month on the 9th. Is it ok if I still ta...
Updated in Metronidazole
what is doxytet the green capsule for?
I had some pains in my belly button, sometimes discover that I have a brown smelly discharge and pains (similar to period pains) in my lower abdonimal (left side). I went to the clinic and they gave me the green doxytet capsules(100mg) and metronidazole (200mg). The nurse that was assisting me said nothing is wrong but I'm still experiencing these pains. ## Doxytetracycline is an antibiotic that's used to treat or prevent bacterial infections. A bacterial infection could explain the symptoms you were experiencing, a smelly discharge is usually indicative of one. This medication may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Learn more Doxytet details here. If it isn't clearing up, you should see your doctor, as it may not be the right...
Updated in Metronidazole
I had some pains in my belly button, sometimes discover that I have a brown smelly discharge and pains (similar to period pains) in my lower abdonimal (left side). I went to the clinic and they gave me the green doxytet capsules(100mg) and metronidazole (200mg). The nurse that was assisting me said nothing is wrong but I'm still experiencing these pains. ## Doxytetracycline is an antibiotic that's used to treat or prevent bacterial infections. A bacterial infection could explain the symptoms you were experiencing, a smelly discharge is usually indicative of one. This medication may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Learn more Doxytet details here. If it isn't clearing up, you should see your doctor, as it may not be the right...
Updated in Metronidazole
Canex V Uses
It is itchy in my vagina. It's so irritating and itchy all the time and when i scratch, it leaves me with pain. Today i went to the pharmacy and they gave me canex v, cpl alliance ciprofloxacin 500 and adco - metronidazome 400mg. I dont know if it will work. ## Have you consulted a doctor? From the symptoms, it seems you may have a severe yeast infection and, if that is the case, the Canex V cream and the Metronidazole, which are both antifungals, may help, but the Ciprofloxacin could actually just make it worse. ## Can canex v cream help me conceive a child? ## Yesterday night I used da canex v cream n this morning I was on periods, is it doing fine does it have to get me in periods to heal? ## I got canex v today n started using it..then it started itching some that norma...
Updated in Metronidazole
It is itchy in my vagina. It's so irritating and itchy all the time and when i scratch, it leaves me with pain. Today i went to the pharmacy and they gave me canex v, cpl alliance ciprofloxacin 500 and adco - metronidazome 400mg. I dont know if it will work. ## Have you consulted a doctor? From the symptoms, it seems you may have a severe yeast infection and, if that is the case, the Canex V cream and the Metronidazole, which are both antifungals, may help, but the Ciprofloxacin could actually just make it worse. ## Can canex v cream help me conceive a child? ## Yesterday night I used da canex v cream n this morning I was on periods, is it doing fine does it have to get me in periods to heal? ## I got canex v today n started using it..then it started itching some that norma...
Updated in Metronidazole
klion d 100 vaginal tablets
On the first period of taking klion d 100 at night in the day i have noticed a discharge of blood and it's not my cycle time. What is the cause of that? ## If you're using it due to a yeast infection, it may be due to that, or it could be just due to a side effect of this medication. It's just something that happens and as long as the bleeding isn't severe, there is really nothing to worry about. Learn more Metronidazole details here. Learn more Miconazole details here. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have been spotting for three weeks now i.went to my doctor the first week he give me provera 5mg for seven days and it did not work i went back to him and he give me the 10mg for a next seven days and i we still spotting a friend told me about her doctor i went...
Updated in Metronidazole
On the first period of taking klion d 100 at night in the day i have noticed a discharge of blood and it's not my cycle time. What is the cause of that? ## If you're using it due to a yeast infection, it may be due to that, or it could be just due to a side effect of this medication. It's just something that happens and as long as the bleeding isn't severe, there is really nothing to worry about. Learn more Metronidazole details here. Learn more Miconazole details here. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have been spotting for three weeks now i.went to my doctor the first week he give me provera 5mg for seven days and it did not work i went back to him and he give me the 10mg for a next seven days and i we still spotting a friend told me about her doctor i went...
Updated in Metronidazole
about this pill
its huurting me very bad and i'm always in a bad mood alot dont know why? i realy need to now what kind of meds am i taking? ## Ashley, I am suggesting you let your doctor know ASAP ! The first few weeks taking this could have some side effects like itching, irritation, etc but if they are to the point of causing major discomfort and are not going away then that could indicate an ALLERGIC REATION or INTERACTION! Please talk to your physician. Good luck and Best Wishes! ## Metronidazole is an antibiotic that is used to treat certain types of bacterial infections. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, non-allergic skin rash, depression, and irritability. How much longer will you be taking it? Ref: Metronidazole Information ...
Updated in Metronidazole
its huurting me very bad and i'm always in a bad mood alot dont know why? i realy need to now what kind of meds am i taking? ## Ashley, I am suggesting you let your doctor know ASAP ! The first few weeks taking this could have some side effects like itching, irritation, etc but if they are to the point of causing major discomfort and are not going away then that could indicate an ALLERGIC REATION or INTERACTION! Please talk to your physician. Good luck and Best Wishes! ## Metronidazole is an antibiotic that is used to treat certain types of bacterial infections. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, non-allergic skin rash, depression, and irritability. How much longer will you be taking it? Ref: Metronidazole Information ...
Updated in Metronidazole
Rosacea Medications (24 results)
- AZELEX Azelaic Acid
- BLEPH-10 Sulfacetamide
- FINACEA Azelaic Acid1 discussion
- FINEVIN Azelaic Acid
- FLAGYL Metronidazole77 discussions
- FLAGYL ER Metronidazole3 discussions
- ISOPTO CETAMIDE Sulfacetamide
- KLARON Sulfacetamide
- LIKMEZ Metronidazole
- METROCREAM Metronidazole
- METROGEL Metronidazole1 discussion
- METROLOTION Metronidazole
- METRONIDAZOLE 236 discussions
- NORITATE Metronidazole
- OVACE Sulfacetamide
- PLEXION Sulfacetamide + Sulfur
- SEBIZON Sulfacetamide
- SODIUM SULAMYD Sulfacetamide
- SULFACET-R Sulfacetamide + Sulfur1 discussion
- SULFACETAMIDE 1 discussion
- SULFAIR Sulfacetamide
- VANDAZOLE Metronidazole4 discussions