Supposed To Be Perc?
Updatedit is round,white and is blank on one side and 44 over 183 on the others side..i mean it looks like 54/543
4 Replies
I think it is Costco's Kirkland Signature brand equivalent to Excedrin.
This is to edit my previous post, I should have said ASPIRN, not Excedrin. Sorry.
Frank, you're right -
I checked around for the pill IDs and found the following:
44 183 is in fact Aspirin, I think 325 mg.
54 543 is actually Roxicet - which contains the same active ingredients as Percocet. Be careful with this one. It is a strong narcotic pain reliever which contains Acetaminophen + Oxycodone. It is easy to overdose on this one.
Yes, 44 183 is 325mg Aspirin. This is manufactured by LNK International who only make over the counter pills that are sold by various stores as their store brands and generics, suchs as Eckerd, Costco, Wal-Mart and etc.
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