Would Taking 36 Tramadol 50mg Kill Me (Page 6)


I was wondering what would taking 36 tramadol do to me?

122 Replies (7 Pages)

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My wife is leaving me after 30 years, says she wants to be alone. I found out she is chatting with someone else, argued when I got her phone and she wanted back and finally she admitted she talked with someone but now want devorce!

My entire life collapsed in matter of hours, I moved out vollentairley I thought I give her space, now I am not allowed to go back. Thinking what is the point of life after losing 30 years of beautiful marriage! Now I am 49, with some health issue (chronic pain), alone as an alien on Earth! I love her too much, I am sensitive and gentle and this is killing me to know there is no family life anymore!

Searching for a painless way to finish my life, listen to a beautiful music, watching sunset and die instead of living a life which I see her "everywhere" painfully!

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I know how u feel have tried 7 times diff combos but always end up being resuscitated. It's like they don't understand that I want to die just think that talking to me will help.

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Hi I've just been reading through all the messages on this thread & it's sad to see how many other people there are out there who feel the same way, I'm 36 spend near enough 26 years suffering with depression, tried to end my life several times over the years the last time being November 11 taking 3000mg of codeine, I woke up after seeing my brother (who is dead) in some sort of dream who told me I was better than this & life would get better for me. In the same dream another friend who has also died went to take my hand & show me what death was like when my brother pulled my hand away was when I woke up & was violently ill. After awhile life did get better but now once again I'm finding myself wishing I was dead, my fear now is being found before I pass or it not working & I wake up ill again. I've been taking 8x50ml of tramadol daily for 3 years now & unsure if my body would just ride the drug & just end up waking up sick like before or worse end up with more permanent damage.

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It's quite saddening to read all these post...I was curious as I've just lost my soul mate due to a break up and he's taken his own life :-(
Tramadol does work and is very dangerous, he'd been out on a night out so was very very drunk when he took them with sleeping tablets and anti depressants...I feel everyone's pain, he's been gone 2 days now and am losing the will to stay here when am feeling so alone :'(

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I am sat at home after trying to cut my wrists, with no luck. I am a coward that needs a way out. Been depressed for as long as I can remember (now 36). In a broken down relationship after 2years, needless to say no one has ever wanted to marry me or have kids with me, due to my issues. I can't have a normal life as I find work hard to deal with due to anxiety and confidence issues. No body in my life
understands, especially my partner.

All I want to do is end my pointless life but I am too scared I won't succeed. I don't want to put my family through the pain but they don't have to spend every day in my shoes. What really gets me is all those benifit claiming f***ers who can't be arsed to work who get homes provided for them and just screw the system saying they have mental health issues and claim full disability benifits. I have not claimed anything for years because I am too ashamed and can't deal with the hassle of all the forms and appointment for doc's and psych's. Life is s*** and the thought of facing it for another day let alone 50 odd years depresses me even more.

Please help with any realistic ideas for a complete coward.

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Hopefully your pain and depression are situational and will get better with time and effort. Don't lose hope, clinical depression is worse!

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Pray for him that he is in a better place and accept the path he chose.

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I really thought Tramadol would have been the answer having took them for migraine a few times.

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Don't know what countries everyone is from but whether you are in the USA, Canada, Australia, or UK crisis lines are available at no charge.

List of Suicide Crisis Lines via Wikipedia.

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Hi there.. I was reading your post and it brought a lump to my throat .. Speaking out about how you feel is really good .. And it's a start in the right direction ... Life can be hard sometimes I know this as I have been in dark places many times .. I just stepped back a bit and took a look on my life .. And instead of taking my own life not threw tablets or self harm I stopped eating and nearly died ... I turned my life around and am so pleased I did .. I changed my job .. I now do nursing .. And end of life care .. It is so rewarding helping others and makes me feel so good and useful in my life role .. So please before you make any decisions .. Think how you could help others .. But first you must help your selfs .. God bless you all XxxXx

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I am 24 I have been in pain for ten years and it just has been getting worse. I took tramadol once. And just was very out of it and sleepy. I want to end the pain and the looks people give me like it's all in my head. They tell me I have abdominal migraines and throw up at least once a week. I can't take it. Please tell me the easy way to end this suffering. My doctor tell me I will have to live with this forever. I can't live like this for another month let alone for ever.

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I do feel for you .. What I would do is go to your doctor again and asked to be referred to the hospital as you might have to see a Neuro specialist .. Who possibly might give you a scan .. But you need to see the doctor so he can then make a referral if you have trouble doing this then change your doctor .. As there might be something they can do .. So get on the phone and book the appointment for the doctors .. I hope this helps .. Keep strong trust me it will be worth it xx

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I'll be feeling like this for the last four weeks. constant pain.

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There must be some one that can tell people who are so sick and can no longer .work or have any quality if life how to slip off with out any more pain than they have. It in humane to not provide people with morphine or some thing to stop their pain. i am so ill i cant even get a internist to see me I been on a transplant List for 10 years spent my retirement of a $150,00 for nothing I think UCLA scams people and knows there never going to give you a transplant they just take ever dime you have poke on your stomach and order test that cost three times what a privet lab would charge Is it to much to ask when you have try ever avenue avable to you to be able to end your existence with some dignity and pain free.

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Wow reading what you've said has caught my eye indeed. I'm 20 dealing with tons of medical issues since the day I was born. going on only one year ive stayed with a man who abuses me in several ways, to the point I've been brainwashed by so much s***, I find it easier to end my life than leaving him.. What's the point if I don't have the ability to care about myself? Why give so much to someone who doesn't mean anything they intend to be? Yeah my family, my dog, blah blah all the usual reasons I haven't offed myself yet. I've even turned myself into a place at one point I got so desperate for help. Everyone knows that was a mistake, never will those places be good for ppl like me. Treating mentally f***ed ppl like s*** is not the way to make someone want to live. Fml...

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How are you doing now jenny?
Hope things are better, I'm in the same mind, have been on and off for years, only lately I'm actually very serious about this but every now and again I have a good day and am full of optimism I just wish I could keep it up but it all leads back to the same place, I have a number of reasons for wanting this, don't really want to get into that here, I just hope your ok now and seeing things more positively.

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This sux. I just woke up after a day and a half! That wasn't the plan! I just feel a bit shakey. I've wasted the last 15 year with the wife fighting her anxiety disorder while I also look after our kids, now she blames me and took everything inc my babies who she can't look after. Nobody will help or see sense.Enough is enough, I cannot live just to watch her punish me and our kids in this way.

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I took 3 grams (yes, grams) of dihydrocodeine, just felt nauseous then pleasantly stoned for the rest of the day. That was 36 hours ago. I'm not dead.
Don't try to use DHC to kill yourself.

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There's no quick painless way out. That's the truth. Sorry.

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The Walking Dead: there is no easy way out. There is nobody who will help until you help yourself. Services and support are available. You have to find them for yourself. If you have access to the Internet, it's there. Good luck.

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