Withdrawal From Imipramine (Page 2)
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Last dose of Imipramine (25 mg) taken on Monday July 2nd 2012. Under a doctors guidance. Slow, very slow taper. Took 5 months, dropping by 25 mg every three weeks. Began experiencing what I think might be withdrawal symptoms since last dose July 2nd. Symptoms have been: Nose bleeds, Nightmares/Weird Dreams, Profuse sweating at night, Feeling flushed during the day, Headache, Feeling of malaise, Nasal Congestion, Nausea, Insomnia, A bit off, Flu like symptoms and tiredness. I've run these symptoms passed by doctor, but have not heard back from here yet. I was on Imipramine for over 20 years with the highest dosing being 200mg per day.

Since Imiprmane is an older drug, I can't seem to find comprehensive information about withdrawal.

I'm on day 9 of withdrawal and hoped the symptoms would be gone. They are fading, but some still present.

Looking to see if there is some guidance/time frame with Imipramine completely leaves the body.

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I am wondering how much you decrease at a time ? You say that you decrease every 3months

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Hi. It has taken me two years to reduce from 150mg imipramine (been taking it for 10 years before) to 85 mg and I'm still going! Have a very understanding doctor who prescribes 12 x 2mg diazepam each time I do a drop (about every 3 months). The first week after a drop is the worst and I usually take one diazepam in the morning to 'get me going' then see how the day goes from there. Most doctors are very reluctant to prescribe diazepam as they are very addictive but just 12 tablets has been a godsend til I'm over the worst of each withdrawal. It's so unnecessary to go cold turkey. If your withdrawal symptoms last longer than 10 days then you've probably dropped too much so take it more slowly, don't let your doctor rush you. Hope this helps.

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What you've described are pretty typical withdrawal symptoms that can occur from stopping any medication that you've been taking for a long time and you were on it for a very long time.

Since it is a drug that acts on brain chemicals, your brain now has to learn to rebalance itself, without the addition of the drug and that is going to take awhile.

You may continue to experience some symptoms from well over a month, though they should continue to taper off in severity.

Learn more Imipramine details here.

When I stopped narcotics cold turkey, after being on pain management for years, the best thing I found that helped was distracting myself. I'd go out and do stuff, such as going to museums, or watch my favorite movies. Doing some of your favorite activities can help take your mind off of it.

If your doctor also keeping tabs on you?

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