What Does This Mean


What does 10-5 mean on Lortabs? My prescription doesn't seem to be working for my pain and I was wondering if it meant Lortab 10 mg or Lortab 5 mg. So if it is 5 I can get a stronger MG

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What it seems to be is that your doctor was prescribing the tablets with 10mgs of Hydrocodone and 500mgs of Acetaminophen.

I could be wrong, since I am not a medical professional, but I have seen it abbreviated this way before, from other similar posts.

And no, a doctor cannot write it as an either/or prescription and let you pick which one you want, even if they tried, no pharmacy would fill it that way. More than likely, they will call your doctor to double check the prescription, to be certain of what exactly they are supposed to dispense to you.

If your current dosage is not working for your pain, you should speak to your doctor about it.
Have you done this, yet?

Sometimes if you are on a certain dosage for too long, it is no longer effective and you do require a dosage adjustment.


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