Subutex 460 Vs 54 411
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Does the Buprenorphine 8mg 460 work as well as 54 411's? I'm curious as I've seen other imprints, just not 460. Please let me know if they are better or worse.

218 Replies (11 Pages)

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Re: 6ix9ine (# 180) Expand Referenced Message

That is the one that also says HIKKA
They are better.

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Re: Hollar at ur boy (# 185) Expand Referenced Message

They look fake. No score line.

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Re: Jaydowntheway (# 193) Expand Referenced Message

I agree. Orange ones suck. HIKKA best IMO

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Re: Chelle (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

I'm in the same boat too I just got the 460 for the first time today and they suck so so bad I feel like im withdrawing

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NO,NO,NO!!!! They absolutely should be banned!!! They blistered under my tongue within 2 mins I spit it out... The Pharmacist told me this brand has LOTS of problems it's not just me.

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Yes they do! That one works well!
Do your goggle search!! Reviews too!

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Re: Joe (# 209) Expand Referenced Message

I had my Dr print out my Rx to say ALLERGIC TO SUN BRAND those are what you're talking about. They burnt under my tongue so bad, i spit it out& still had blisters (2). They should discontinue these!

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Re: Dani (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, they also burn my mouth...

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Re: Dani (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I agree they taste nastier and they burn under my tongue... Trying to get a different brand next time.

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Re: Trying SOS to SOS help others (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I've been battling celiac disease... this has fillers and ingredients that'll cause major flare ups. I didn't realize they switched medicines til I went to take it and saw it said it's same so I took it and had a major flare up and called pharmacy to find it does have more fillers and corn starch which im highly allergic too. I already am battling large hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhages, Celiac Artery Stenosis Disease and and many other debilitating symptoms and then this was like 0 to 100 in minutes and I called pharmacy and they say that I could pay for a new prescription.

If they know you might have allergies that's different than just some discomfort. I think if you assume your symptoms are am allergic reaction they'll take it far more seriously. I have records to prove medically I have been battling celiac disease. I've had it far worse than anyone I've met. Hyper sensitive to everything. Simple things make me bedridden with extreme knife like pain as did this 460 med. I've been on 54 411 for about 5 years. My insurance fought me all day 3 denials and finally approve half a month then this. If God wants me to have them and anyone else nothing anyone around us will stop it. With God all things are possible! I'm not simply taking them to come off drugs like most people. I'm taking them for internal bleeding and pain.

Let me know if this helps:)

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Re: Crissy (# 191) Expand Referenced Message

By my 3rd dose I had no taste buds, burning all the way down my throat & tummy& blisters(2) under my tongue. And I feel like I didn't take my meds!! These need to be discontinued

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Re: Kelly (# 181) Expand Referenced Message

It's the same thing for me. I have to get my doctor to write the manufacturer's name when he writes my prescription for subutex and I'm not the only one to have an allergic reaction to those 460s. I also have to have 54411s. Those 460s gave me diarrhea. Not to be gross but talk about embarrassing to have to go to your doctor and explain that you have diarrhea from those meds and have to have what your body's use to, plus the 460s burn under your tongue bad and they don't help because they're bunk.

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Re: Jayme (# 178) Expand Referenced Message

They are bunk meds because of Biden. I'm telling you the president wants people off drugs. It doesn't matter what they are. He's switching everything. I can't take those 460s because they are useless. They don't help and gave me diarrhea, not to be gross. For 5 days straight. They suck. I had to take those 460s to my doctor's office and tell them they gave me the runs. Talk about embarrassing. It was not fun trust me. It's all the president's fault. Thanks Joe Biden.

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Re: kB (# 179) Expand Referenced Message

It's the same way in PA it hard it's because of Biden what's to save money so he had manufacturers switch to cheap imitation meds so he can save a few bucks thanks alot Biden

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Re: Stacey H (# 182) Expand Referenced Message

Yea, those new ones with 460 on them. I'm not the only one. They burn under your tongue really bad. Plus not to be gross, diarrhea also. They suck bad. I'm using the 54411's. Thank the stupid president for letting these ******s switch meds on us.

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Re: Dani (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

They burn my throat as well.They definitely do not work as well as the 54/411 ones do& these have an orange taste to them. ??

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I don’t like the 54/411 anymore they changed the formula. The Rhodes are what works best for me!!!

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Re: Trying SOS to SOS help others (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

THANK YOU!! Yes I too. Noticed they wear out quickly and I’m doubling up on meds because of it. I’ll have to go cold turkey if I continue having to take extra pills to get through the day. Thank you for your advice!!!!

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Re: CrazyDiamond (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been on subs for 8yrs now with little to no pain OR cravings and just this month I noticed my bottle was the little white pills. This month I’ve been miserable!! In pain, horrible anxiety, RLS at night again - feels like I’m going through WD! I’m so relieved to know I’m not just crazy for feeling these pills are different and not just in my head!

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Re: Jaydowntheway (# 193) Expand Referenced Message

Oh my gosh, yes! Those orange ones are the worst. I refuse to take them as they make me throw up. Not to mention, the taste is disgusting. Sadly, all of the CVS pharmacies around me stock these, so I've had to drive further to find a pharmacy that provides the 54/411 ones, which I have had no issues with for four years. Unfortunately, that pharmacy has just decided they aren't stocking those anymore and they didn't even fill my whole prescription. They gave me the 17 they had left. So, I went to a nearby Harris Teeter, thinking I would be getting the same thing because I had talked to them on the phone. However, these are different; they're the 460s. I haven't tried them yet, but I don't know, I've read a few reviews people have left and now I'm probably going to be calling around yet again to find another pharmacy that sells the ones I've been taking for the past four years.

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