Subutex 460 Vs 54 411 (Page 3)
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Does the Buprenorphine 8mg 460 work as well as 54 411's? I'm curious as I've seen other imprints, just not 460. Please let me know if they are better or worse.

218 Replies (11 Pages)

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I Do NOT suggest anyone accept the 460's. If you have an option choose 54 411. The 460's have had little therapeutic effect as if they were fake.

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There are in no way different!

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Re: Another irritated patient (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I go to Ohio Dr and get my subs filled in ky at walgreens. Never had trouble

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Re: Goozer (# 173) Expand Referenced Message

You're brave lol... hopefully you have a few much more preferred for backup... did you buy a week's worth of the sun brand?.. Keep us updated goozer....

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Re: Another irritated patient (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Your doctor needs to get a KY license and then KY will fill it. I live in KY and go to Ohio doctor and Ky fills mine. Been filling them for the past 5 years...

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Re: Jay (# 169) Expand Referenced Message

Ya it's funny you say this I was talking to my pharmacist the other day about my sub and he was like oh we have a new preferred generic here even tho I still have your Rhodes for you but let me show it to u he said, I was like hell ya a new generic of text and he shows me the sun pharmas 460s..and he was like ya after 2 years of your showing us Rhodes is proffered thank you but now lately people are wanting the suns he I'm getting em tomorrow. I've heard they have such a burn taste but sun pharmas is one of the most expensive generics for text..follow The money.
Out of all the generics I have the actives half moons work well..they work like activas xans busses where they hit hard but die quick but I've been digging em love my Rhodes and will be getting sun tomorrow. I was surprised he said they have become the new patient preferred so here we go. Have plenty of other good generics if not

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Re: Charlene (# 170) Expand Referenced Message

Recently I've been going through a phase of getting all the generics I can right now and I started doing it because I was soo backed up in Rhodes I didnt have to worry. Now I have Rhodes, activas, himka, Roxanne, sun pharmas as well..just need Mylan's and Akron's. Hope all is well Char!

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I don’t think they do. Burns my tongue. Horrible.

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Re: Jay (# 169) Expand Referenced Message

Hi jay. It's good to hear some good information on the 460s, I have never tried this brand, it just has never crossed my path in all the years of buprenorphine treatment..since 2005..I actually heard that Mylan was not using the 460s 8mg anymore..just gossip bouncing around medschat groups..I am prescribed 3 8mg a day. I have been lucky enough to find and do the new Rhodes, for about 6 months. Then one refill I called and they didn't get them in. So I waited a few more days, same a panic I happen to be shopping in Walgreens and remembering I had my scripts on me, almost, I dreaded the fact that I might have to accept the orange half moon ugg..I kept passing around and just thought CVS is just across the street, wondering what they had in stock? I have never had any of my medication filled with them before..I'm very picky about my buprenorphine..for many reasons..low and behold they had the hikma brand 54 411s, ahh..I can finally settle could have been worse..with Walgreen brand. I cannot tolerate those at it seems I'd get my 90 pills a month of all the other brands,..except Rhodes or hikma I can do the prescribed amount..anything other than those seemed like I'd have to take an extra dose and end up short at the end of the month and we all know that's not a if I ever had to accept those your talking about, are they from Mylan, and are they 8mg? Thx for the feedback.

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Guys. Why so much hate on 460s. They last longer w out needing a dose. I feel no burn or sores in mouth. Its actually first time i got euphoria off subs in years. Im digging these so far

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Im prescribed 2 8mg a day. Just got 12 of these 460s n let me alleviate some ppls subconscious anxiety. I've been on 54 411 roxane/westward for years. Jus took 2 mg of the new 460 and as of now i feel no difference. Im actually getting a warm nice feeling first time in a while off subs n feel my stomach getting nice n bubbly n feeling better... U all know that feeling. After u take a dose when not feeling too good n its like ur stomachs opioid receptors firing up. Lol. I dunno, it's feeling better if not exactly the same as 54 411s. If anything changes I'Il edit. I'll be humble n admit i was wrong if i start getting side effects n realize they're weak. Just like those TINNYY white 8 arrows by hi tech. Those are by far THE WORST Generic EVER. I think its all different person to person honestly. I have been on it for over 4 yrs n trying this 460 for the first time. It feels the same or better as of now. Cuz i remember feeling really tired n kinda weird on the 8 arrows. It's 12:36 am eastern time n i took it like a half hour ago. So far so good on the 460s for me.

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Re: j micc (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

I just filled 12 (get 60 a month but fill in increments) of 460s after yrs of being on roxane 54 411s. I havnt tried yet as i a lil piece of 54 411 left. Jesus are these things really that bad? Some ppl said their great. I HATE the 8 arrow small ones by hi tech in 2019. N these posts are from '17. Hope they changed formula since then. Thats horrible if theyd allow a med that gives u sores in ur mouth. Im nervous now. Damn yall putting things into my subconscious. Which we knows plays a major roll in our bupe maintenance.

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Re: Charlene (# 165) Expand Referenced Message

Yes dr. Visit and medicine. Medicine has to have naloxone in it and from a certain Pharmacy in the area of your residence. If I decided to accept the generic suboxone. I would have to drive 28 miles and take the Hi Tech brand of Suboxone. You can opt out for a different medicine but have to pay for it. Ex: I get my $220 visit covered (I pay $0) by the grant but... choose to pay for my naloxone free generic Buprenorphine (Rhodes) script out of pocket. So, for the next year at least I save over $2600 in Dr. Visits.

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Re: Davidjw1 (# 164) Expand Referenced Message

David are u replying about the government grant I'm talking about? I could never be accepted because my husband makes to much money..but I heard the grant will cover doctor visits plus medacine but the key is it supposedly only covers suboxone and not subutex?

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Re: Charlene (# 161) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Charlene the medicine is generic Suboxone. So I will keep getting my Rhodes. The generic Suboxone is made by Hi Tech/Akorn too . So no way for me....

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Re: Bedtime for Benzo (# 157) Expand Referenced Message

I just heard of a government grant that just came out. U have to make under $40.000 they will pay for your doctor visits plus medacine for atleast up to a year then just reapply. There is always a downside of things that are free though, I believe it's only for suboxone treatment not subutex.. now I'm not completely sure if the medication part is true about only covering suboxone. But u could look into. The guy who told me about this said he will use the doctor part but prefers subutex so he's going to pay cash for that using his discount card for buprenorphine medication..

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Re: Charlene (# 158) Expand Referenced Message

Oops...sorry Roxanne 56,. This post was meant to go to ...bedtime for benzo...I told them to come read what I wrote to them thx..

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Re: Bedtime for Benzo (# 157) Expand Referenced Message

Hey, I wrote u something. But I put it under someone else's if u go back to find Roxanne 56. Just read that one, it's meant for u. Thx

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Re: 2thless (# 152) Expand Referenced Message

I mentioned it because someone asked me about it. I don't take xanax anymore. I did back in the late 90s..and it's a very bad drug to get addicted to. I have only taken my prescribed buprenorphine, amitriptyline, and effexor...and have been on these medications since 2005.... so please don't judge a book by its cover.... just because someone mentioned something does not mean they are using it...I happened to see u wrote a post on a different medschat thread. U mentioned xanax too...

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Re: Roxanne 56 (# 154) Expand Referenced Message

So u like hikma? Better than Rhodes?. I have taken the Rhodes for 3 months now...the only bup by me is activas.which i hate..the hikma is kinda hard to find that's what the pharmacy that I get my Rhodes from. I actually talked them into ordering them for me so I really don't think they are going to get the hikma back in..but that is a question I havnt asked them yet. So I hope that they will give u an option. I think they reolized the Rhodes are cheaper for them and that's what they do..I have taken subutex since 2005 and started on brand name. The only one I believe I have never tried is just never crossed my path. We still have the little ones by us. So far that I know of. But for me its either Rhodes or hikma..

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