Mail Order Oxycodone Through Pm Doctor
UpdatedSo I am trying a mailorder service through my pain management doctor. The insurance is $400 annual fee and .88 cents per/ for my oxycodone prescription. The insurance agent at my Docs office said that I will get my card in the mail in a week, then I print out the order form overnite it with my prescription and they overnite it back taking a total from beginning to end 10-14 days. I am optimistic since i have had my script for almost 90 days and still haven't filled. My doc just keeps saying do the mailorder, mailorder, mailorder its like they dont even want to use local pharmacies for that matter.
20 Replies
I am sure there are reasons they don't recommend your using a local pharmacy, for instance, if you look around this site, you will find numerous posts from people that have been unable to get their Oxycodone prescriptions filled by their local pharmacies in many areas throughout the U.S.
There haven't been any official explanations as to why, but it just seems to be an ongoing problem, thus, mail order is probably your best bet.
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Whats the info for this mail order place?.....My insurance which is Cvs/Caremark WILL NOT mail order narcotics written by Fl Pm Dr.s
Great question and No vernon thank you as I have read similar posts several of this happenning. Now Johnny this specific mailorder is tricky because as you said several places don't fill for PM florida doctors. Medco will but you have to have group insurance but that's not who Im using. Its a specific program setup for patients ONLY @ my doctors office. Unfortunatly like most pain patients I have giving away my Dr. info bc the whole world would show up lol. Try Medco if you have BCBS or UHC insurance. also try walgreens if you have one of these insurances.
Could you Please post A Phone Number for the mail order Insurance???? Thank You I appreciate it....
Sorry "sue" like I said I don't like posting my Dr. info and I can't just hand out that information. It is quite confidential. You can google about walgreens mailorder since you have a computer or MEDCO which also fills from Pain Management Clinics of course with Group Insurance. I would contact Blue Cross and ask about the go 91 plan. Funny thing is I asked the tech at walgreens local why they don't refer the Mail order service to junkies and what not because "Corporate" tells them not to how screwed up is that ? So try it out obviously its suppose to be a hush issue but I am going to make it known.
So I got the Insurance card in the mail, I went and got a new prescription or updated one. Now all I have to do is overnite my scripts with a money order and have it overnited back 3 days tops. I have been sober for three weeks and when I went to get my prescription my doc says go piss I say to the guy @ the front no way dude I can tell you I have no meds in my system ! He hands me the paper and sends me on my Way. I hate the Dr. office always a gutwrenching experience. But had to get it over and get the process on the way.
So what happend???
I need help!!! I am trying to fill Oxycodone 60mg. My doctor is in Tampa but I live in the Panhandle of Florida. Any suggestions?
Can you tell me what insurance company is that? Thanks in advance...
nevermind,just read your post...i understand...
There are only a couple of mail order pharmacies with big insurance companies that will mail Oxy and they won't do it for alot of Florida doctor offices. If your current insurance company mail order pharmacy doesn't fill Oxy then don't even bother because these won't take anyone with any pain history, they wil not accept you as a customer to their plans with any history of pain meds.
All I can say is AARP mail order-OPTUMRx will mail a 90 day supply of oxycodone 5/325 to PA. and save money. The script has to be mailed and 100% correct and that's if you can find a Dr. to write it. The catch is you will be called in for a pill count and a piss test a lot. I went back to the 30 day supply and that crap went away.
I also just found out WalMart writes a script of 180 5/325 Oxycodone tabs at 6 per day but writes it for 22 days not 30 and AARP will let you refill when 80% is consumed. This is why my Dr. makes my dates right on the day now.
On another note I had to sign a from with my Dr. stating I would only use one pharmacy for my meds. My question is how dose that agreement affect any mail order meds I get to save money. What it dose affect what generic medication I get as I am at the mercy of the pharmacy regarding what brand they have at the time and this changes a lot. I have had one generic medication make my eyes burn and my nose run.
I have a 30 day script for hydro 10/325, anyone see problem with getting it filled mail order? I travel for work, but see the same doc who writes the same thing eat month -thoughts?
what insurance worked best for you ? iv tried 3 different ones....and so far iv find an ok one but always looking for better.....
hello everyone I too have been going through a lot of problems to where I cannot find my pain medication people do not understand until they experience pain 24 /7 but unfortunately all of the pharmacist are going to judge you and 1 out of 10 people may be lucky to get their prescriptions filled.
That is why I am asking you to vote YES on amendment 2 to legalize medical marijuana in Florida I believe not only will this decrease the amount of oxycodone prescription but it will also allow patience to have proper medication also the doctors and the pharmacists will realize we are not Jess limited to taking pills I don't know about you but as a person who has been taking oxycodone for the last 17 years I will tell you I prefer a gram medicinal marijuana it really does help in conjunction with the oxycodone so what do you have to lose on November 4th take your ass to the polls and vote yes on amendment 2 everyone have a god blessed day!
Just moved what pain management Dr do u use i am not familiar with Dr in this area
How do I get and insurance card that will be mailed to me that is legal I am currently at Medicaid Medicare
In my state, prescriptions older than 30 days are VOID, and a new Rx is needed.
Re: Ileana (# 17)
I am disabled and get SSDI. My RX for my monthly strips is $8.00. You don't have prescription cjoverage??? Any other prescription I pay $2.80.
Re: johnnyishurting (# 2)
Your right they stopped in 2013 and I miss it dearly. Luckily I found a new place to send them to what a godsend
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