Kvk Tech Oxycodone 10mg Inactive Ingredients (Top voted first)


What are the inactive ingredients in the 10 mg Oxycodone tablet by KvK Tech?

33 Replies (2 Pages)

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So now that we have an employee of kvk tech here, please tell us why after years of taking 10/325 endocet (generic percocet) my doctor switches me to the same amount 5* daily as needed for pain, well I filled the script & wasn't thinking negative or anything about the medication from your beloved kvk but once I started taking it I slowly started feeling sick & was told by my Pharmacist that those were withdrawal symptoms & that indeed Endocet being the same amount of oxycodone at least on the label, he said they got the kvk real cheap & she was aware that they were just at or maybe below the 20% active ingredient threshold & to speak w/ my PM docto I told him & he wrote not to fill w/ those and now also warns all his patients, I got a strep throat infection about a week in & went on the web & EVERYONE IS GETTING SICK FROM THESE PILL LIKELY HAVE NALTRAXONE IN THEM ALSO. I swear this country is going to hell in a bucket & to allow you to get away w/ this when there's patients that need this medication to just be able to function, me I was in a severe car accident & don't wish to go into detail but I don't suggest that anyone get these pills, they cause extreme headaches & have next to zero in pain relief. If the FDA wasn't getting kick backs from companies like kvk this s*** wouldn't be happening but what's a 2mllion fine to a company making over a billion a year in sales & cutting corners. Go on the internet and read what their employees say about this company, it's management & quality control being the last thing on their minds, the labs I've read are beyond filthy & the workers hate their jobs so no wonder KVK SUCKS, yes I'm mad & it's not right you come on here like your some kind of oxycodone angel & say just how wonderful this company is, & most Americans probably fall for it, but to the wise you stink of management to & from KVK s*** meds, I had to have my husband take me to the hospital & many at the pain clinic have been through this same thing, your cheap prices draw in companies but it's these companies that are left taking all the BS from their loyal customers. Honestly I say a legal suit is in need towards this company. Please excuse my spelling I'm writing this fast on my android, best of wishes to all of the chronic pain patients out there please tell your doctors & tell the pharmacies, no one around here carries them anymore.

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I hate KVK Tech products and have been jerked around for a couple years over their products. It should be illegal to force someone to buy a product that they do not want. Everyone would be upset if it were electric or gas that they were paying for and not getting. I pay for a pain medication and get poison instead. It's so wrong on so many levels, it's hard to cover all of it.

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Kvk tech oxycodone is horrible. I have taken oxycodone 5 mg for years due to arthritis and sciatica. Now neck and hip pain. I got a headache from the kvk tech oxycodone and felt weird and sick. That is not what my old pills from Mallencroft does at all. The pharmacist won't give me new pills. I see my doctor in three days and I am taking the bottle to show her and hopefully I can get a new script.

We need to file a legal case. Email me {edited for privacy}

Thanks, Maria in Portland Oregon

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Molly, I was told by the pharmacies at Safeway, Walgreens and Kroger, that they are aware that KVK Tech Inc. pills are not effective. Safeway employee explained that the "binder" or "filler" used is not effectively transmitting the pain medication to the central nervous system. I was also told this is within the law. That the FDA allows an "effectiveness scale" and that KVK Tech Inc. pills are on the low end of that scale. I suggest you get with your doctor and ask for an alternative pain med, so that you don't have to purchase the KVK Tech Inc. "poison pills".

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Poisonous pill don't touch Kvk-tech it ruined my sight, my life....and don't call or email them the first demand two back for testing then big boss calls you and demanding you send them all back. I told them nope its my evidence against you creeps and I won't stop until it's pulled from every pharmacy in this country. I'm very upset they know they screwed people up permanent damage. And they won't recall. I'm an exception to the rules they will not brush me under the rug I suffered horrible pain. ...there is a lot more but fight for Purdue Rhoads brand it works kills the pain and don't poison you..... kvk-tech will poison you and don't care. I will keep fighting

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Anyone else having trouble with products manufactured by KVK Tech Inc.?

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Victim I share the same sentiments. You are very well stated and tell it like it is.. Much thanks. Serious there needs to be legal action but yes what is it to them when they are making billions and only have to pay out a few million on a legal case. They laugh all the way to the bank while cheating everyone and making people ill while providing minimal relief. I never had these problems when the quality is proper. Watson who became Actavis were proper.. but now there is Actavis which is another cheating low level product.

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Re: KVK Tech Suffering (# 28) Expand Referenced Message

You're absolutely right! I've been taking oxycodone 15mg tablets from KVK-Tech for some time now. I honestly believe that each tablet actually contains about 2 to three (3)mgs of oxycodone. But one thing is for sure. Numbers don't lie, but people can lie about the numbers. Which the sum result is simply more pain. The truth stings, and nobody likes to hear it!

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KVC Tech manufactures ALL of their products in Newtown, PA in an enormous & immaculate facility in accordance with FDA regulations. The generics products are repackaged by another company/distributor, American Health Packaging.

And to answer the OP a few months ago....

Inactive Ingredients
Ingredient Name:

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Yes. They stink really bad like vitamins or something! I just got switched to the np12s and I tell u I took 2 like normal and they made me high as heck!! I stayed up all night but the house got cleaned. My kids wondered what was wrong with me. My 14 yr old and I were working in the kitchen and I kept dropping stuff. I looked at home and said "ha EA u not noticed I'm acting weird?" And he said " well no money cause acting weird is normal for you!"

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Prescribed KYK-Tech generic Oxycodone due to concerns of too much Tylenol we take because doctors can no longer prescribe the amount some of us need. Pain patients are dying from excesse Tylenol. This garbage does NOTHING for pain relief. Zero. I see it is neither the formumatory or biologic equivalent to Oxycodone. Doctor cannot write a different prescription for 30 days. Told nurse over the phone, spoke with pharmacist because this is no way 10MG Oxycodone. "It's all in my head" until I mentioned the FDA Orange Book. I know far more about generics than I ever wanted or thought I needed to know. Just because a prescription has an NDC# it does not even mean it's FDA approved. These are old threads here. The *hit has been known to be ineffective for years and it's all every pharmacy in my area carries? Outraged. Just lay in bed in agony sobbing for 30 days.

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Re: Molly (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

YES! It's all versions of iodine, a cheap filler to make the actual medication into a pill. Iodine is a MAIN trigger for my migraines. I started checking these so called inactive ingredients when I got a migraine from a Percocet. Sure enough, there in was, iodine, povidone, AND crosspovidone. I am now, and I was then, to take any new meds from cheap manufacturers like Amneal, who bought out Watson.

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David, what my problem has been is listed on Medschat as Pain Medication manufactured by KVK Tech Inc.. We solved our problem by having our different doctors change our pain management program. It just made me very curious as I had used their website to contact them and you are right, not a top secret government website, well that we know of anyway LOL.

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Re: Victim (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I am jackie in Aurora CO..I TOLD MY pain management tech..I was experiencing the same issues as all of you guys, as well..I was told I should make an appointment with my psychiatrist.I left that office mad as hell..I. am pissed at the crap medicine..How ever it's a great relief that I am not the only one who has noticed the change..Hopefully someone can make a change..please keep up the noise..Eventually someone will hear us!!!

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Re: Susie (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I've been complaining to my pharmacist that the 15mg tablets of oxycodone that I was given were absolutely no good. I honestly believe each tablet barely had 5mg per tablet. The imprint is K-8.

I've been treated for chronic pain since 2002. Believe me, if anyone can tell you honestly how effective a pain medication is, it would be me. In all the true sense of the word. It's absolutely amazing that KVK-Tech is still in business. By all means, please get in contact with me. For I have barely touched the surface. If we can ever have a meeting of the minds, I can assure you, that you won't be disappointed.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Albert

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Re: Susie (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

KVK Tech, Inc. was given a Warning letter by the FDA, so the FDA is aware there are problems with this company! Here is a link to this Warning letter by the FDA: [1]

KVK Tech (6th March 2024) also admitted to Criminal Penalty for Distributing Adulterated Drugs and $2 Million to Resolve Civil Liability under the False Claims Act: [2]

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Top Answer
Hi Molly,

Here are some details that may be of assistance:

Oxycodone Hydrochloride (10mg)
Imprint: K 56
Color: Pink
Shape: Round
Manufacturer: KVK Tech Inc.
National Drug Code (NDC): 10702-0056

Inactive Ingredients:

- Lactose Monohydrate
- Starch, Corn
- Cellulose, Microcrystalline
- Silicon Dioxide
- Sodium Starch Glycolate Type a Potato
- Stearic Acid
- D&C Red No. 27

Ref: DailyMed
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Yes, I need to avoid any red dyes, providone, or crospovidone.

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Hi Susie (post #6),

Were you emailing KVK Tech using the following address?: [email protected]

That was the only thing listed for reaching customer service on their webpage. However, I do find it strange that a pharmaceutical company would say that you're not authorized to contact them. It's not like they're some sort of secret agency by any means.

I can only assume that it may not have been the customer service department that you reached, but it's looks like post #5 listed all the details pertaining to inactive ingredients, if that's what you were going to inquire about?

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David, I located KVK Tech Inc. on the web, used their "contact us" link on their website. I was inquiring about the Oxycodone production, including what, how, why, because I was having trouble with the effectiveness of and side effects from their medication. I noticed on their website that Oxycodone wasn't one of the drugs that they listed as actually manufacturing but several pharmacies say they do. I was then wondering if they just distribute the drug and it is being manufactured by another company. I was also inquiring about the "effectiveness scale" that the FDA allows them on their oxycodone products. Only response from them was that I wasn't authorized to use that restricted email, which I thought was very strange as it was their "contact us" link.

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