Ketamine For Depression? (Page 5)
UpdatedIt was recommended by the members of a separate thread that one be started that directly relates to ketamine and it's use to treat depression.
If anyone besides myself would like to discuss it's use as a treatment for depression, feel free to post your questions, answers and experiences here.
This thread is an offshoot of a related one that discussed a treatment of Scopolamine for depression.
Have you considered trying LDN first?
Have you ever heard of or researched Endogenous Opoid Deficiency Syndrome, aka Endorphin Deficiency Syndrome?
The pain doc in so. cal that prescribes ketamine nasal spray also prescribes LDN.
Since there is no physician in AZ that will prescribe Ketamine for pts with Refractory MDD (that I'm aware of), and I can't afford to go to a doc in CA, I'm trying LDN (plus a couple supplements, in addition to my daily Rx regimen).
I've been taking LDN for about 9 days now; I'm feeling a bit better each day, and have been able to decrease my Adderall from 60mg/day to 40mg/day without missing it at all. Like I stated, I just feel a little better each day.
Today I was actually out of bed before 10am, instead of the usual 1:00-3:00pm! I've folded laundry that's been sitting in the basket since last Friday and have done a few other things around the house that I've been putting off ad infinitum.
I don't know if LDN would help you, but it may be worth a try... and it's fairly inexpensive.
I've been trying to find a physician that prescribes LDN that either takes my insurance or I can afford. Do you know of some in Tucson or Phoenix?
Thanks!!!! : )
I know a reliable ol co I get it from.
It takes a couple weeks shipping, but everything I've ever gotten from the co has been great. I have no affiliation or interest in the co, other than being a customer. Several anti aging supplement sites advertise but I have no experience with those. Search antiaging-systems...I hope you can find something that will help you soon.
I'd love to get that information from you. In the meantime, I have a fundraiser at indiegogo - to raise money for Ketamine treatments in San Diego. I'd love it if you took a quick look at my site, and then shared it on Facebook or with friends or whoever else you think might be able to donate. Every $1 counts! It wasn't my intention to fundraise, but desperate times and desperate depression call for desperate measures! Here's the site:
You can get get info on LDN directly from the so. cal doc's website in the depression section (the female doc who prescribes ketamine nasal spray as well as LDN - I'm at a loss for her name at the moment).
For the ol w/o Rx place: using an online search type in antiaging-systems (exactly like that w/ the hyphen).
Very exciting information about a new drug being developed for depression which acts like ketamine but without side effects. I believe the study is being done in illinois.
If this link doesn't work, Google glyx-13
I believe you are referring to Dr. Nancy Sajben. Here is the link to her website.
Christi - we are both in Arizona. Did you have to go to the California doctor to get your LND? She is, unfortunately, incredibly expensive - plus the cost of travel. Were you able to get LDN from an Arizona doctor? Does your psych prescribe the Adderall and LDN, or just one or the other? I would like to find someone LOCALLY who uses the low dose naltrexone and doesn't charge me $400 just for the visit!
For those of you shelling out big bucks for Ketamine, what is your long term plan. Are the doctors who are administering it for depression willing to continue to administer it long term? Or will you try it temporarily while you look for other options? It is almost a catch-22 as we've all tried all the current antidepressants out there and they won't let you into another study if you are taking Ketamine. What are you guys planning to use for the long term until there is long-term version of Ketamine that is available and affordable? If I get into a Ketamine study I'll get 1 or 2 doses max and then I have to come up with a long-term solution or give up and end it all. The one drug, Rizulole, costs $3700 a month? These prices are insane! I am feeling so hopeless. If the Ketamine makes my depression go away will it be worse than never having it all all just to have a fleeting glance at "normality"? Is anyone else trying to go to the NIH study or Columbia study? I am so depressed today I am watching "how to tie a noose" videos on You Tube - but the guilt of leaving my son and dog behind makes me hesitant. It seems like everything is so close but yet so far - and that the only real hope is attainable by the financially fortunate.
I am so depressed I cannot even spell or write properly. I don't want to be rich, or euphoric, or have a perfect life. I just want to be NORMAL and normally happy (like other people are). Why is that so hard? I hate this depression so much. I am very afraid that getting that one week glimpse of "happiness" in the Ketamine study will make me more depressed in the end because I know I will never have it again - if you're entire monthly income is $1000 a month you cannot afford $2000 a month for Ketamine injections. I hate this mental health disparity. I hate everything today! Even my dog is tired of sitting here watching me cry.
Look up "antiaging-systems" using your preferred browser. (I don't know if I can post a specific website on this forum... but if you put www before the words in quotes and a dot com after you will be at a place that you can purchase Naltrexone 4.5mg -LDN- that has acceptable fillers which don't hinder absorption).
30 day supply is 49.99. Takes a couple weeks to get them, but they are the real deal and I've never had any problems with the co. I found this place as my mother orders from them and she had passed along one of their monthly news-catalogues. They offer quite a good selection of nootropics (deprenyl, etc.,) as well as other interesting supplements.
I don't know how more specific I can get about navigating to this site online.
I just posted a reply but it has to be reviewed...
Just put three w prior to the words I ask you to search on line. You'll find it there.
I looked into this study - it is a single dose study. It is exciting and I look forward to seeing what happens but the study itself is not a long-term solution for a patient with refractory depression. If I don't get into another study I'd try this one if it was close by. I emailed them for more information.
Em, Have you tried the supplement L-Theanine? I have a bottle that I purchased off Amazon of Source Naturals Theanine Serine. L-Theanine is a Glutamate Blocker that is derived from green tea. I usually pop a half pill and a half pill of caffeine before job interviews, the L-Theanine for the anxiety and the caffeine to stay sharp. I feel great on the L-Theanine, very calm but not euphoric. If only the effects would last more than the few hours. I only take it when I need to so that my body does not get use to the effects.
As for the Ketamine, I'm using the spray which is roughly $100 for a bottle that lasts a couple months.But this is after the $1200 in Drs visits, not to mention travel costs. It's been 2 months and I'm about half way through. I take the Ketamine about 1-2x a week. I plan to ask the Dr to have a high dose spray made for me after this bottle is finished. I can't say that it helps long-term but the ketamine offers me a distraction when the negative thoughts creep in.
I'm also using LDN, prescribed by Dr.Sajben in San Diego. 30 x 50mg pills costs $15 but I'm only using about 2-3 pills a month. I dissolve the 50mg pill into 50ml of water and take 2.5, 4.5, or 1.5mg depending on how I feel.
I'm noticing that more and more doctors are offering Ketamine as a quick relief from depression, but the costs of administration are astronomical compared the cost of the drug. It makes me wonder if the doctors are just offering this just to make a quick buck off those who are in desperation.
Thanks! The LDN sounds good. I wonder if she takes insurance? If she could write an RX a compounding pharmacy here will make a truly low dose capsule. I wonder if Ketamine might be available cheaper in another country? In desperation ... I think I read that someone traveled to Europe to get it and even with the cost of the trip it was still cheaper. I was thinking Mexico, since I can drive or bus there. Anyway, have any posters here started the IV Ketamine, and what were the results?
Jackie did you get into the study? Where are you iin Arizona?
ARIZONA: Here in Arizona, we don't have psychiatric care - we have what's called the "Crisis Response Center", where they grab you, knock you out, lock you up, and release you when your insurance runs out. Our latest research is COOKING DEPRESSED PEOPLE - and I am not kidding! Look at the link to the clinical trial: I could understand trying HYPTHERMIA on us, but seriously, in Arizona, we're already baking in the 100+ degree heat. Oh my Dog! At least it is a little humor.
GERRY - When you initially posted about AZD6765, I found a page that listed studies in about 11 different states, with descriptions of the studies as well as contact information. Now when I Google I can't find that page or a similar one. I found one on NIMH but it was a study that was already completed. Any chance of you having a URL for a useful page on AZD6765? Trying to find the nearest one to me or the nearest one to anywhere I can find a free place to stay (with friend or relative).
Em, your can find that trial by going to clinical trials dot gov and searching for NCT01482221 (the study id).
On the page for the study you have to click "Show 44 Study Locations".
I'll make another post with a direct link. I'm not sure what the rules are on this site but some of my posts never make it.
Em, here's the trial url:
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