I Am Finally Detoxing From Opioids And Wanted Share My Story Getting Off In Real Time! (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have had back problems for years and I am sick of being a slave to opioids. I used to go to a sports medicine doctor that would prescribe 120 norco's a month and at the same time started to go to a pain management doctor so that I would not run out of meds. The pain management doctor prescribed oxycodone 10's qty 120 per month. Believe it or not by 3.5 months I was going thru 120 norco's and 120 oxycodones in 2 weeks. I have had it, the pain is much better than going thru the hoops, the lies and money I did not have. And on top of it I would still detox every month because I did not have enough money to keep myself medicated. I was planning my activities with life and work around the amount of meds I had on hand. I will give you a live example, on friday I had 12 roxi's left and I had an appointment on sunday by sunday morning I only had 2 so I took them just to stay well so that my clients did not think there was anything wrong with me. I can't tell you how many times I have had to do this or tell my wife I think I am coming down with a cold. Anyways I finally started doing some research online and found out about suboxone and subutex. I found that I could do an outpatient program without pain so that I would actually have a chance to use my brain to give me a real chance of not relapsing. I found this clinic in south orange county the doctors name is dr. Cassidy. He is a great guy and really cares about you making it. I called the number on the website and left a message. The doctor himself called and spoke to me and told me not to take any oxys 12 hours before coming which meant that I was going in sick and since I didn't have anymore it worked out fine, my wfie drove me to the office and I was taken in weighed, blood pressure taken, ekg and blood drawn. Then I went into the doctor's office and I felt like crap I felt so bad I couldn't even concentrate long enough to fill out the paperwork. I picked this guy because he only charges $1200.00 for a 2 week program and you don't have to stay away from home and you can actually go back to work without losing your job. Anyways I told the doctor that I was taking oxy 10's like tic tacs and I was done with all the lies and the sick feeling I get when I do not have any meds. He gave me a half a subutex and came back in 20 minutes to see how I was doing. I started to feel much better probably 80% better. We went started talking about my usage and how he was going to help me get off the drugs. He then gave me another 1/4 of a subutex tab put on a movie and told me that he wanted me to feel completely comfortable not drugged out but no pain and normal. After that we talked about a plan of attack and he kept mentioning that many people get this problem with pain medications and it's not our fault. Since then I have been going daily to the doctors office to have a consultation period and he gives me suboxone now I get the wafer type they are 8 mgs I get 2 packs a day I cut them in half and take 1 in the morning 1 at noon and 1 in the evening and then 1 in the morning which equals 16 mg. I am on my third day of this routine and life is great my family is proud and I am going to start tapering off this next week and hopefully I will be getting off the junk for good. If you need any idea's or where to get the help for cheap let me know and if you have already been through this and see any pitfalls coming my way I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Thanks everyone and have a great holiday season if you need help I will be here during the holidays.
Dear ole Sue, why dont u go tell that to the drs. that gave TN the drugs? Come down off ur soap box.
Thanks for your great and informative post. I have no doubt that this information will help a lot of our site users who have been wondering about withdrawing from opiates and the process.
My only concern, from my knowledge of Suboxone, is that the doctor may be trying to taper you too quickly. It is usually a very long process, that sometimes takes 1 to 2 years, to prevent the worst of the withdrawal effects.
A rapid tapering of the Suboxone can cause them, just as easily as the other opiates could and has caused many people to crash and burn, when they did it too fast.
Therefore, I'd advise you to just proceed with extreme caution and don't hesitate to contact your doctor, if you find it isn't working.
Does anyone else have any advice or comments to add?
Sue: You can think what you want but if you want the truth then you have to start working on your steps, especially for you (Step-1) of NA or PA. The way I see it is that you do have a problem or someone close to you has a problem otherwise you would not be wasting your time on a blog site which is a great forum for us ADDICTS!!! Just some food for thought.
Get off your self righteous crap and leave people alone. Each person is deiffferent and the word addiction is being taken off the DSM-V because of people like you, judjemental and self righteous.
I agree with Ann Marie. That "Sue" has some issues, huh?
I was on oxycontin at very high amounts for 15 years .I was seeing a Pain management Doctor for years he had my dose at 4 -40 milligrams of extended release and 5 Roxicodone instant release 30 milligrams and 3 -2 milligrams of Xanax a day I was a Zombie !!! I found another doctor that said to me wow this guy must hate you because he is killing you with all this I agreed ..so we took the roxy's away and took me to 2 Xanax a day and he left me at the 4 40's a day ..I did that for about a year then I started to run out a week before and go thru withdrawal's it was causing problems at home I would miss work I was tired of being a slave to this crap so one day I threw all i had down the toilet at 7 days of the worst dt's I cannot even begin to tell you how bad it was how sick I was I found a doctor to see about suboxone I drove myself there shaking, sick as a dog they talked to me about the program I asked how long will I have to take this ? I did not want to switch one drug for another The Xanax they said you need some in you now your lucky you did not have a seizure .They did a u.a. on me there and after they had told me I would most likely be on the suboxone program for about a year because of my heavy use they told me that I had no drugs in me, nothing. As bad as I felt I smiled from ear to ear I told the Doctor no Thank you I do not want to be on this program i have made it this far I an do this they gave me a scrip for a lower amount of Xanax and still a scrip for the sub's the doctor said just fill it you will feel better told me to take a 8 milligram strip as soon as I got them filled I got home took one strip out cut it in half and cut the half in a half it did help and i did about an hour later take the other half of the half .the next day I still had that half left so I cut it in half took a piece that morning then the next piece later that after noon ...That was it for me never took anymore I felt great so happy inside ..with my health problems I was still having a lot of pain I went to my doctor he thought i was there to get my oxys I said with a huge smile no I don't want them I told him what I had done he was proud also ..I asked is their any non narcotic pain pill he could give me he gave me tramadol 50 milligrams 5 times a day my first day I took maybe 2 My 2nd day I was in pain bad from an out patient procedure I had done that day .I was in my bed smoking a cigarette my husband walked in to check on me he first thought I was falling asleep he took the cigarette and put it out he noticed my hands where clenched tight then he said I started to flop like a fish out of water I was out cold he could not wake me he called 911 that was about 7pm I woke the next day in ICU about 11am screamed his name he was right there along with nurses and doctors that came running I asked where I was he told me and I was out again but this time I could hear people talking all around me I could not respond about an hour later I woke and tried to sit up that was the wrong move tthey had me hooked to all sorts of machines ..I was later told the first hospital that the emt's took me too they worked on me for 3 hours and told my husband I needed to be moved to a Trauma ICU Hospital they don't have that there so once again i was loaded into an ambulance and moved the first hospital even called poison control thing they did not know I had been given 700mg of soma that day heck I did not know either at my out patient procedure they had given me that they did tell me they where giving me a muscle relaxer to help I even said before I took it that I did not want anything narcotic they said no worries it's not they lied any way come to find out the non narcotic Tramadol is what gave me that huge seizure .A cop had been the first on the scene when my husband called 911 once i got home after a few days I went and got a copy of that cops report in his report he had said possible DOA on arrival at hospital .he followed went in with the EMt's then left .2 weeks later Thank God My daughter was home with me and in my room with me when it happened again this time I had no kinds of meds in me the 2nd was not even close to bad as the first one i came out of it in about an hour and a half .I had a neurologist come an sit with me and talked in great length about everything wrong . he said because i was on the high amounts of oxy for so long that he felt that it basically fried my brain ...granted I was off them for a couple of months before anything happened to me he said that the receptors in my brain should have started to come back on and they weren't and in his theory I should be on a low dose of oxy for basically the rest of my life so this does not happen again to me .I found another neurologist that has been in practice for years and has an outstanding reputation in the medical field even my pharmacist looked him up in their computer he says the man has a rating of 4 and a half stars out of 5 he looked and could not find one with a higher rating or even one with the same rating I have my scans on a cd and I go to him in 3 more days for a second Doctor to tell me what he thinks ...I pray that after all i went thru I never have to go back on that poison.. My Moral of all my rambling is if you just use roxy's or Oxy's just to get a buzz once in a while please I beg you Don't I am only 44 an this crap has ruined my life ..If this new doctor says that I have a seizure disorder I loose my drivers License and I have a cdl that is how I make my money ..all this over some pills that a Doctor gave me I trusted him he never once in all the years I seen him did he ever once tell me that anything like this could ever happen to me he has since lost his medical license ..No he never forced me to take them but every month I got a u.a. and if my (levels) where not right to low he would talk to you and if your levels where still to low again he would discharge you so in a way yeah he did make you take them. please watch the tramadol it almost killed me ...If your pain is that great that you have to have the oxys god bless ...but I beg you if you read this please don't just use them for a buzz someone that is not used to them they could kill you also ...Take it from an old woman that has been there none of this stuff is worth your life everytime you want a buzz on the weekend out with your friends please save your money and most likely your life everytime you misuse one it's like playing Russian roulette. Please don't have your loved ones have to bury you. Life is so much better sober .....
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I completely agree. I hit a concrete pole head-on at 70mph & went through my windshield at age 19 destroying my lower back and at age 30 I broke my neck and injured my spinal cord in another accident leaving me disabled. This led to 14 years of methadone 100-180 mgs daily for pain management. It became such a hassle going to literally 20-25 pharmacies every month trying to get my prescription filled. I also wanted to start helping teens w/ addiction issues and the stigma from methadone sadly was interfering with that despite the fact I legitimately needed pain meds. So, I switched to 8mgs daily of subutex 3 years ago. I was a semester away from a psychology degree at the time of the 2nd accident. So, I've got some personal experience and education.
First, I completely understand the issue of being tired of the bondage to opioids and if you can handle the pain associated with back problems I'm all for anyone that overcomes the struggle of chemical dependency. But, just some valuable info to note. Anyone that is on Suboxone/Subutex & is struggling with the disease of addiction is considered to be in remission as long as they are following their Dr’s orders. Many people think it's just trading one addiction for another, but they are misinformed. I know from experience it's quite difficult to go from any opioid to buprenorphine because it's minimal pain relief compared to all other pain meds which in my experience only relieves the withdrawal symptoms of opioid chemical dependency. It is a struggle everyday even 3 years on pertaining to anxiety & stress especially due to the fact all other opioids suppress emotions and anxiety, but I persevere because the benefits outweigh the negative. When switching to Subutex it was like waking from a coma for me.
Lastly, as it pertains to the neuroscience of addiction, the most recent information is alarming. After long-term substance abuse of any narcotic, the idea of getting back to normal when it comes to the brain is not as once believed. We've learned the relapsing brain disease of addiction goes deeper into the brain basically hijacking the amygdala which is our memory bank. Our primitive brain which is what basically drives survival (eating, drinking, procreating) is driven by memory. Due to the fact our memories are driven by what releases the most dopamine and narcotics release 10-15 times what the avg non drug users baseline of 100 units of dopamine our primitive brain being driven by memory begins to put more importance on the drugs than anything else. To put it simply the avg individual’s dopamine baseline is 100 units and an addict’s baseline, after long-term substance abuse, is roughly 300 units. Meaning, in simple language, the things in life that release dopamine and bring us joy and pleasure are not as joyful and pleasurable due to a lack of dopamine. What has been found & is most disturbing is that this is irreversible. Now, everyone's brain chemistry is different and this should never deter anyone from trying to get clean. This information tells us the sooner you stop dosing the better off you'll be. For those of us that have been dosing for years for whatever reason this is our cross to bear.
{edited for privacy}
Thanks for your update on my situation. Actually since I have last posted I have been going from 8 mgs a day down to 6 mg now in my second week without any withdrawl at all!!! In the next couple of days I will be down to 4 mg and 2 days later down to 2 mg, and then when I am finally clean I will get a naxloxene shot every month for 3 months so that if I get the itch and do it then I will not get any high.
Regarding the long term use that you talk about I don't know if that is wise infact in the pamphlet on page 22 it talks about potential for dependence and I do not have experience on the matter but I am just going to listen to my doctor. So far I have not had any problems and I hope that I can do this with least amount of withdrawl possible. Then I hope the shots will give me some clean time so that it gives me a chance to stay clean for good. I don't know if that is a dream that will never come true but all I can do is try.
Thanks again for replying as it is refreshing to know that someone took the time to read and write back about my situation. Once again thanks and good luck to all that are trying to get off the pills.
You speak about abuse like you know about it! This is a gray area. Even the doctors agree. Is taking the medication better when all else does not work or does surgery the next option is that the better option. either case pain sucks and i dont agree I do need something for the pain but the opiods right now have to many side effects that I have already mentioned that are not worth it. I rather have the pain that getting hooked on oxy's or any of the other drugs the docs will give.
Hang in there TN,were pull'n for u!I feel ur good vibes.
Thanks bro!! I will figure out away to not be hung up on drugs and moderate the pain. I will then let the world know so no one has to deal with the feelings on opiods I am talking about the negative ones :) Take care all. If you know of any good pain docs in Orange County Ca let me know. Thanks
How is it going??? I see it's been a while. I need someone to talk to...are you free to talk to like you said?
I am off the opiates, I will be happy to assist. Are you ready for change! Give me your number and I will be happy to call.
best of luck i am in same boat. I LOVE NORCS.
Hi Brenna:
I am off the meds, it's hard to get off but definetely possible. If you need help or my past experience just let me know.
Depending on what and how many you are taking, I can give you some idea's. I currently go to Pill Anonomous and get support there.
I hope that you can get off and if you can't do it yourself and want help you got to ask someone or me!
Best Wishes,
I see where y'all have had various Drugs for pains. I have been on some of the older drugs and prescribed mixtures for a worn out Back/neck/discs/stenosis/O-arthritis to where my Dr., Surgeons and Pain Dr.'s made me quit Engineering at age 59. Surgery never an option. I am 69 now. My relief finally came from Fentnyl 100's+Vico+Oxy +Xanax (after lung surgery age 61). I pushed and as the pain fell off I quit all down to a Fentanyl Pats. 50mcg and 2 mg. Xanax 3-4 + Acetomens/day as req'd. Same Rx for 10+ yrs. now + I'm going down to Fentanyl 25's and off, just on Xanax for nerves/spasms. God Willing. If not, Fentanyl 50's forever and I have a Life.Can I help Y'all? Loggy
You need a Pain Dr. for the Patches. My personal Dr. of 20 years told me the Fentanyl saved my life. I Agree. I know BAD, Blinding Pain and Surgery was never an option. I was too worn out.ow Cor Now I am going to go just on Xanax thru a week or more. So, if worst, I go back on Fentany 50 and Xanax for nerves/ muscle spasms. I am a BIG Proponent for Fentanyl. If you haven't
how do i get in touch with dr. cassidy?
Hey I'm really trying to kick my habit, unfortunately my doctor got shut down for sexually abusing a patient. Suboxone makes me sick, I've tried taking it after 24 hours, 12 hours, and even waited to really start detoxing, but always get more sick than I was before. I had a friend who had subutex and gave me some. The combo of a subutex and muscle relaxer or benzo seems to take all cravings away and my mind isn't always thinking of drugs. Are you in the Orange County? If you have time, you can text/call me at xxxxxxxxxx (i did the phone number that way so that bots can't use it)... Texting is easier, but if you don't use it, call me, leave me a message and I'll call you after work. Thanks in advance for your time and hope to hear from you soon!
Please email me xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}. Thanks so much for posting your story
Thats not true tou can be off suboxone in 50 days if done the right way
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