Help Me Find A Doctor To Prescribe Klonopin, Adderall And Chronic Pain Meds (Page 6) (Top voted first)


I moved to Minnesota and need to find a Doctor to prescribe Klonopin and Adderal or Dexadrine. I have high anxiety and panic disorder and can barely leave the house. I also have ADHD and can't start or finish anything without becoming stuck. I have chronic pain and was forced to start a Methadone program. I don't want to take it but have no choice because the pain is so bad. I am looked at like a "drug seeker" but I need my medication and don't know what to do.

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please read my earlier post! Klonopin, as well as all benzodiazepines such as Vallum, xanax, Ativan, etc. are extremely and dangerously addictive and are seldom prescribed correctly which is for a minute period of time in minute doses. Please believe me when I say they are hell to get off of and even a while after my earlier post I am still in what is called "protracted benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome" and suffer horribly both physically and mentally. Your doctor is trying to save you the misery of benzo withdrawal. Please listen to me!

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Your a nurse and you say that this is an overeaction? If you are a nurse you should know that every patient is different. While my experience may not be the same as everyone else, the facts prove that I am not the only one who has had negative reactions. There are pages and pages of information on this.

As a nurse you should know that what myself and others have said here are not "overeactions", they are things many people experience.

If you had no reaction after suddenly stopping Klonopin, then why would you take such a strong medicine. The fact that you say you had no reaction at all, leads me to believe you are not a nurse, and you are not taking Klonopin. To the others reading, I would take what the "nurse" says with a grain of salt.

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