Epclusa Ruined My Life (Page 2)
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Has anyone experienced severe anxiety, constant crawling feeling in body after epclusa treatment. Its like my brain and body aren't working right anymore? I had terrible side effects. Finished in January, now it's June and feels like I'm still taking the poison.

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Re: Skpp930 (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

How much hair loss did you incur ? Thank you for sharing

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Re: Kathleen (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

How much hair kiss did you suffer? Thank you for sharing

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Re: Jason (# 281) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Jason. Sounds like we have similar things going on. It's been a few yrs since I did treatment, my viral load was always in the millions, epclusa people said don't worry about that mmm, anyway since doing the treatment can't say I feel great, I've got puffy feet fluid I think I've always been skinny now I have a fat stomach kinda my dr is stuffed all he says is oh it wouldn't be treatment caused your problems, I've got asthma copd now, ever had that before I'm fact I reckon I felt better pre treatment.wish we cud sue the crap out of them. I'm in Australia where are you? I reckon we would have a lot in common hey. Take care.

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Re: Jason (# 281) Expand Referenced Message

I can totally understand what you're saying. I'm in Australia. If I mention to my Dr about all the crap symptoms I've gotten ever since I got talked into doing this treatment, he just says "oh epclusa wouldn't cause that", plus he gets his info from the local liver clinic - omg, they're the ones pushing exclusively! I've met some pretty shady people over the years, but exclusively gilliard wins hands down. Reach out to me if you want to compare notes.

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Re: Lor (# 280) Expand Referenced Message

So sorry to hear this brotha. I'm right there with you. I just finished treatment last year and have all the same stuff going on. I feel horrible and act differently. I'm always snappy, and it's taken a toll on my whole family as well. I just don't know where to go from here, as doctors won't even acknowledge that Epclusa could be the culprit. I just did labs the other day and my numbers are all over the place. Nobody understands this stuff, and a lot of people seem to think it's all in my head, but I've never had anxiety and I've never in my life felt so sick that I couldn't leave my house. I shake all the time, had to quit my job (I'm a tattoo artist) because I can't hold my hand steady. I can't handle doing more than one task at a time. Even my coordination is messed up; my hands and fingers move like I'm drunk all the time. I got Hep C in prison and lived with it for almost 20 years and felt fine until I did this treatment.

{edited for privacy}. Don't hesitate to hit me up, man. It'd be cool to chat with someone who actually knows how this feels. I hope you can get some answers. I hope we all can, and that this doesn't end up being a death sentence.

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Re: Davoe (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

I'm 61 and just saw that there are other people who have had negative effects after taking this medication. I thought I was alone. I was treated five years ago in jail; they made it sound like a deal. My levels had not even been bad before treatment; I always had them checked. I made sure my kids didn't use my razors, toothbrush, or fingernail clippers. I had Hep C for 25 years. After treatment, I gained fifty pounds and couldn't have a bowel movement, burp, or find any relief from feeling bloated. I finally found out I had a bacterial infection. I then went septic twice. I've never been the same; I'm depressed and have had a hair phobia for five years. My panic attacks can last up to five hours with headaches, and I'm scared to death that something is not right. I think I'm dying daily. I've lost family, friends, and a man I thought was forever. I thought I was crazy. So did everyone who knew me or is still in my life. I told them I wasn't supposed to take Eclipse because I have anxiety and depression, and nothing has been the same since.

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Re: Erin (# 271) Expand Referenced Message

How could we even go about a class action suit? Where would we start? Money's not gonna make me feel better but at least my family will be taken care of. I can barely work, just doing side jobs as I feel good enough to do them.

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Re: Lou (# 276) Expand Referenced Message

I'm 46,have a wife and two little boys ,I did this treatment hoping I might get some years back and see them grow and prosper. I haven't had a good day where I was able to push thru without all this sickness stealing any joy I might be able to find in the things that should be milestones. The depression is killing me too,i understand where the depression comes from,ive quit my job, I have no income, its just a snowball effect with no remedy. I definitely cannot live out the rest of my days feeling like i do now. I'm so irritable just cause of how sick I I always feel,how weak I feel and how hard it is to carry out normal tasks,even my coordination is delayed,my fingers dont work like they should,just limited control.
Why won't they help us?

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Re: Kathleen (# 105) Expand Referenced Message

I feel you Kathleen. I was exhausted and felt displaced the whole time on treatment but I pushed through just for results, for the cure... Without warning. I should've read all about the bad after math, but... Omg!!! There's is NONE according to BIG Pharma! Epclusa made me wake up every morning after the "cure", feeling angry and not myself, and bloated and all the skin on my body is just full of fluid and I gained 25 lbs! I've always been thin! No matter what! I am so not myself and this drug is to blame. I've factored in all possibilities... And Epclusa is the DEVIL in disguise.

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Re: Jason (# 273) Expand Referenced Message

Jason ,I think we are stuffed,it's the old. catch 22 we try to do the right thing and crap happens same ol story ,to many lies from drs pharmacy ect I'm in Australia no help at all my dr gets info from liver clinic omg.

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Re: skpp930 (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Same, it's been many months since I finished treatment, I've developed tremors, severe anxiety, confusion, can't remember anything, can't even think of certain words I typically use when I try to describe something. My life's declined rapidly since beginning epclusa. I'd rather still have hep c than to feel this way every day. I still can't sleep, I have aches and pains all over my body that I never had before. I had diarrhea for the entire treatment and then it continued on for months afterward, every single day. I finally had to go to the emergency room, not once but a multitude of times, colonoscopy etc etc and they can't tell me what's wrong with me. I'm about a week shy of checking myself into a psychiatric hospital. I don't even have a life anymore. I'm a tattoo artist (in a studio as a professional) but the trembling has forced me to give that up, the anxiety that seemed to come from nowhere, the diarrhea, the aches and pains, the constant itching that I can't satisfy, it's all led me to a seriously dark place.

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Re: Skpp930 (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Why do you say that it killed 'other stuff'?

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Re: Erin (# 271) Expand Referenced Message

I'd be very interested in just finding out whats wrong with us after the medication.i don't even know where to start,none of these people,pharma,dr.s etc care at all.ive had diareah from the day I started,ive been done for 3 months and still have diareah, trembling in my hands, insanely high anxiety,i have no joy,I cant focus on anything but how sick I feel all the time

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Yeah!I've been done with epclusa for approximately 3 months now, still feel itching under my skin that I cant scratch or satisfy, I've had diarrhea from the day I started epclusa until now, so six months of this,I wake up every morning with sever anxiety I feel like i wake up with adrenaline coursing thru my veins, which makes me extremely shaky, its made my job almost impossible to perform, its lead me to become depressed,I feel physically sick every day all day, cant focus an anything except how my stomach feels and how sick I feel. I honestly felt better before I took this medication and now,Dr.s have not been helpful whatsoever. Im at a loss, may have to quit my job, I don't know what I'm gonna do or what I CAN do, but my life is not the same as it was before I took these pills.

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My husband took epclusa and finished last year it has been a total NIGHTMARE from start to long after finish. He’s practically disabled and from the looks of these comments he’s far from alone. Have any of you thought of doing a class action lawsuit? Will it make you feel physically better? Of course not. But this is completely UNACCEPTABLE!!

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Re: Susie (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

Susie,sorry to bother you I'm in Australia,do you remember Kathleen ?she often mentioned how hard epclusa had been for her,have you heard anything from her,thanks hope you are doing ok.

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Re: Chris (# 267) Expand Referenced Message

Really understand what your saying I also did epclusa ,I could never get a straight answer from epclusa people ,I think it has damaged me big time ,in fact think I felt better pre treatment ,very worried about covid after taking epclusa my immune system isn't good take care ok ,

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Hi Barbara ,hope your condition has improved these days ,I found one old message of yours and your were not going very well with epclusa ,I was the same restless led body jerks I still get puffy feet ankles heaps different infections ,I don't think I feel much different these days ,I had no support from Gilead or other people. Where are you? I'm in Australia ,only person who helped me a bit was lady called Kathleen from U.S. I wonder what happened to her as I havnt heard anything for a few years , do you remember her? Now I'm really scared with covid about as since doing epclusa I have weak lungs COPD asthma .I'm in 60s really don't feel strong enough to put up with a virus.anyway hope you survived .

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Re: Emmy (# 265) Expand Referenced Message

This stuff is an immune suppressant. In other word it kill your immune system. DAA switch of T-cells. You never get better. You think you are better at times then bam, back. Look it up, all the same thing. Hep-c is not a virus as I thought. It is elevated levels of things in you that the body produces. Every thing about viruses are false fraud. Not saying can't get ill but how is it people who drink get it by drinking? It's because the drink causes damage, not because it something you catch. Fraud.

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Re: Emmy (# 265) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry to hear that !the time does pass, it's been a few yrs for me, can't say I feel much different, but who knows maybe I would have got sick if no treatment was done, I didn't get any support at all, just same old line "oh we've never heard of that happening before" I'm in Australia where are you.? Good luck any ?s

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