Eliquis: Stomach Pain, Abdominal Swelling, Bloating, Gas (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Have been taking Eliquis 5 mg 2x day for almost 3 months. Seem to be having Stomach Pain, Abdominal Swelling, Bloating, Gas, Facial Swelling and lots of weight gain and water retention. Also brain fog and memory problems. (It's hard to tell how much of this is from Eliquis and how much from CHF associated with A-Fib. Also taking Beta Blocker and Digoxin.)

Eliquis has been out long enough for the pharmaceutical company (BMS) to put out a REVISED list of side-effects, to reflect real-life patients' experiences. Wonder if they have done so, or when they'll do so?

Am probably going to switch to Xarelto and stop the Eliquis, in hopes that the Xarelto will cause fewer problems.

84 Replies (5 Pages)

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I have been on apixaban for just over a month now and my IBS does seem to have got worse also get tired don't seem to have any energy but not sure if that is due to lungs not working properly

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I've been on Eliquis for about 4 months, I have lower hemrorid bleeding.The hospital gave me a Colonoscopy which came out ok, but now my hemoroids are bleeding again. I'm taking prescription Annusol again. I know the bleeding is caused by the blood thinner I'm on. Any suggestions

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Re: David (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Have been on Eliquis for 3 months now and have developed ulcers.. My Dr. said this is not what caused the ulcers but I know it was.... Had to have a procedure and went off the Eliquis for 5 days and my stomach felt better.. But after the procedure went back on this med and severe stomach pains started again... Now on Meds for ulcers... Taking the Eliquis for Afib. Don't know what to do.

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Re: Carol (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve was on Warfarin for 3years with no problems. Thought I’d try Eliquis instead and started it only one week ago. I started with abdominal pain and cramps about 2 days later and they haven’t gone away yet.It’s already interfering with my exercise and walking programmes. This pain is in the exact area that was somewhat damaged by my seat belt in my rear end accident 3years ago and I’m afraid I’ll restart bleeding in this area again. Will give it one more week then back on Warfarin, I check my INR weekly so no big deal.

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I am having severe edema in my legs from taking Eliquis and Amlodipine. Should I reduce the doses?

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I have been on Eliquis since May. Was scared into it by doctors after taking Aspirin for years. Have had aura headaches since May. Is it a coincidence? Now having more and more digestive problems as the days go by. Becoming a nervous wreck over it all. Waiting for an MRI to check on the headaches. Unfortunately, not a med you can STOP taking. When I think of all the natural stuff we cannot take because we are on a pharmaceutical blood thinner because they thin the blood as well, I wonder if a regime of say tumeric, or ginger or fish oil might not be a better plan. There is no blood test to regulate any of it. So who know whats really happening.

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Re: BETH (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Oh my yes ! So thankful to see your post - I have been so sick and miserable with my IBS on this medication

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Re: David (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on Eliquis for over 5 years, had some side effects for the first 3 months and then none, out side of the price of it it's the best thinner I have been on.

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Been using Eliquist for over 3 years, was diagnosed with Factor V Leiden mutation, 2.5mg/twice/day, can't take Xeralto makes stomach hurt, my only side effects are swollen left & right feet when sitting for a time, and extreme bloating (have stretch marks on stomach side). Would love to find out if the many natural blood thinners couldn't substitute like baby aspirin, ginger, Vit. E, Ginkgo Biloba, clove oil, and others. Besides it would be nice not to pay the exorbitant price of Eliqist. Americans are gypped by big pharma on Eliquist and many other drugs.

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I've been on eloquis 3 months for bloodclots,,the swelling in my stomach is so bad,I'm scared to eat,it doubles the feeling of pressure ,gas x doesnt help,I have copd,and the pressure from my belly,feels like it pushes against my lungs,,,and brain seems so foggy,,, help?

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Did you ever find out if the Eliquis was the contributor to the stomach issues??? I have been having the exact same problem ever since I started taking it. Its the worst feeling in my gut, a feeling I’ve never felt before. Ive been on Eliquis for 3 months and been to the doctor 3 times now for the stomach issues. It is the only medication I have been on this last 3 months. They do not know and said the Eliquis wouldn’t cause that.

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I have been on Eliquis for 10 days now and have been having daily increasing left chest tightness and a lot of gas and hard burps and shortness of breathe al within 2 hrs of each 5mg twice daily dose.

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Interestingly enough, I haven't come across any of the side effects you mentioned listed under Eliquis from a number of legitimate references, including the manufacturer themselves. In that regard, it's hard to say if they will ever update it with more current statistics. However, you can always report un-listed side effects to the FDA's MedWatch Program to help get word out.

Xarelto on the other hand, does actually show a couple of the symptoms you mentioned on the following side effect page (such as facial swelling and stomach pain)... although these are listed under a category called "Incidence not known":


None-the-less, there's no way of knowing how you'll react until you try it again, so it's still possible that you might not have any side effects at all this time around.

I hope this helps!

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I sometimes wonder about the power of suggestion on this post. I have been on Eliquis for over a year and thought that I had no reactions. However, after reading comments from other users I must admit that I do fart much more than I previously remember doing. I am a stained glass artist and enjoy minor cuts and nicks with regularity. I have seen no unusual bleeding and seem to stop bleeding in my normal time. I take 160mg Sotalol twice daily and do have some side effects from that. My EP shared that old saw "We can always give you more blood, but we can't give you a new brain" as his encouragement for me to go on Eliquis...and it worked, I now use it.

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What are the problems with your finger?

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I wish there were better options. I have heard that there is weight gain as well as stomach and digestive problems which is bad for me because I have COPD and if I gain weight I have more problems breathing. It's like dominoes. One medicine causes another problem which needs medicine which causes another problem and so on and so on.

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hi im currently having chemotherapy for breast cancer im on FEC as im triple negative after my first chemo i contracted a blood clot in my arm , so i was put into surgery for a portacath as it was hard to find a vein in my hand , a week later i developed a clot in my neck even though i was tking injections so my portacath was taken out im now on 5mg of eliquis had my chemo on monday and my lower arm is in pain again swelling a little and red do you think i could have another clot even though im on aliquis

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Bad gas and GI discomfort
Red blood occasion
I take different meds hard to know which is culprit

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I was just put on Eliquis because of (no I know minimal) stomach problems with xarelto . I feel like my ulcers are back with the gnawing hunger, now I can add constipation and lethargy to the list. Do you think I should go back to Xarelto or ask for another medication?

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Does elquis cause an increase in blood pressure mine is so high and im nervouse was never high till i started taking this medicine

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