Drinking On Lexapro (Page 7) (Top voted first)


I was just wondering if anyone has drank with this med and were there any side effects? I've been on lexapro 10 mg for a month and am feeling great but I am petrified to even attempt to drink alcohol, but would like to try. So if anyone could help that would be great.

166 Replies (9 Pages)

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I have just quit cold turkey off lexpro with the OK of my physician. On it about 8 or 9 months. Drinking on it is a nightmare. I got intoxicated to a heightened level. My body fat increased alot. I had dreams. And my moods began to revert to ugliness. I have been off a week. Feel AWESOME & normal again. My advice fight depression homeopathically your far better off. My belly fat seems to be going down in just a short time. My spouse had noticed how much my belly fat increased being on this drug. I am very active 56 year old have a cleaning service & work out 4-6 days a week & just kept getting fatter. GET OFF IT IF YOU CAN

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Read my post above. I thought it made me better being on Lexpro but it turned into a nightmare. Heightened drunkeness, dreams, super increased belly fat, bad migranes. I am off one week & feel so much better. :)

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the reason that I was drinking so much at home was the anxiety of being there was almost unbearable.....raising a granddaughter and no outlet for my energies....quit a lot of involvement of things that caused me extreme anxiety so learning to manage my feelings....have always been aware of how medications effect me mentally and have never taken any pain killers except over the counter.....also know that certain medications do not do their job if patient does not try to remove the issues in his life that created them....so my goal is to reduce my anxiety and and wine consumption....and not to depend on either......

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But is it harmful if you do? That is the question.

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I've been on 10 mg / day for a month now. I have 1 or 2 glasses of wine with dinner maybe 3 or 4 times a week. No side effects to report from the wine. I think if you go slowly - just one drink and see how you respond. Everyone is a little different in how they react. Good luck !

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My doctor said it was fine to drink on it I've had friends drink on it and be fine. I think everyone is different to be honest

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Hi Sorry, I am a social drinker for last 15 years. Is Cipralex 10 will help me to stop my drinking habit.

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Hey, a friend has been on escilitopram (Lexapro 5mg) for 18 months and only recently has gone out (2 times now) and had two or three wines and has no recollection, except for vague memories, of the night. We initially thought it was a spiking...and I guess it was, although accidental because she was unaware Lexapro would have this effect. We believe because her dose is smaller, it's taken a while for the effect to happen. It's reassuring though, to read lots of others with similar experiences. Alcohol has to be a no go zone for this person at least!

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i have posted previously on this and would like anyone who reads this to read my previous "question/inquiry"...... I stopped taking Lexapro cold turkey after not having access to it for 3 days. That first day I felt strange. The second day, I felt EVERYTHING. In a GREAT WAY. I realized that taking that medication (for me personally) made me very apathetic (feel nothing, 'dead inside', no emotions). I reclaimed my humor. My personality. Myself. I like to go out and have a good time. I needed to see a therapist. Not be medicated. Medication brought out the worst in me. (Considering that I am a social drinker, having a few drinks a week, far from alchoholism). I was masking my true issues. Everyone needs to be very honest with their medication prescriber. Please do not hide anything in order to be medicated in hopes that you will feel better. Everyone needs something different.

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I'm on 20mg daily. If I keep it to 2-3 beers or less I sleep well and wake up feeling refreshed. More than that results in a typical hangover.
Sometimes feel a little blue 2nd and 3rd days after drinking but I believe alcohol did that to me before I ever took lexapro

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So glad you wrote this. This has happened to me as well. I am a social drinker at best, mainly a couple glasses of wine on the weekends. I work a lot & so does my husband so we don't go out much, we're home bodies. However, on those occasions we're out, I do not recall anything beyond the 3rd drink of the night, I black out. I always think I am going to be in control, but it doesn't work out that way. My husband thinks I am a "binge drinker" & that I need "help". It means what it says on the side of the bottle that "may make you sleepy or dizzy, alcohol may increase the effect". When you have already had 2 drinks, the buzz hasn't really caught up & then hits you like a brick wall during the 3rd drink, thus the beginning of the black out phase. So, am I going to stop drinking, probably not. Should I monitor my intake, absolutely but that is quite the challenge. It's easier to remember 1 drink vs 2+. We must also ask our friends not to refill our empty glasses, this is very important.

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I have been on Morphine ER 30 and then moved up to Morphine 60 for at least 3-4 years. I just read that it causes sweating and clammy cold skin problems plus more thing such as hypothyroidism, which I have three (3) nodules and i am on medication for thyroid. I have talk to so many doctor in the last 3 years asking why do I have the cold and sweating arms, head and face plus hair and neck sweats and doctors don't have no answers and says I am in menapause only because they have no answers. My lab test says I'm not in pre- menapause. So I looked up morphine and I'm an sure this is the culprit. One doctor said to me go back to when I started taking a drug to see if it could be it and I did do this with Morphine. My symptoms Only comes on when I move around and WHEN I SIT AND DO NOTHING I am NORMAL. I want to get off the Morphine to see if this would stop my problems. Also I take Oxycodone 30mg for pain and and I will keep this so I don't go in withdraw from coming off Morphine? I been on Oxycodone from 5mg to 30mg for very long time ago from an accident with 6 surgeries and 2 spine fusions. So is this a safe thing to do come off the Morphine? Please I am asking for help?

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I'm on low dose Lexapro for 1 month now, and drink on the weekends. The only difference I have noticed is I am more chatty while drunk, and slightly more in control.

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I've been on Lexapro for 6 months, started out on 5mg and was increased to 10 mg after 4 months when I told my provider that I was drinking 2 drinks per day to cope with a failing marriage. At first lexapro lessened my desire to drink but that subsided after a few months. I drink almost every day 2-3 glasses of wine and the biggest thing I notice is having a hard time keeping track of how much I'm drinking. I go to pour another drink and am surprised I've already drank half a bottle at which point I stop so that I'm not hung over the next day. I also fall asleep much earlier than I use to. I didn't realize there were severe potential liver side effects until reading these posts. I'll talk to my provider about this when I go back. She definitely realized I drink regularly before prescribing lexapro.

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A lot of time has passed since you posted this, but curious if the yawning went away? I'm on day two and feel slightly sluggish and have been yawning a lot, but def decreased anxiety... but I'm going to need to be a little more alert at work otherwise what's the point. Thanks!

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I have been on this drug for 5 years, and have drank heavily during this time as well. Every time I self harmed, it was because of alcohol intoxication. A few drinks and my mind goes dark, thus the drinking continues. Then I wake up the next day soaked in my own blood. I have cut every part of my body at some point in time and required stitches at the hospital in the worst instances. But if I can manage to avoid alcohol, the self harming just goes away. I can go a few days without drinking lately, which is very good progress for me. Soon I'm turning 30 years old.

I can't believe alcohol is a legal drug. It's a plague.

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I have been on Lexapro for year and a half and as it has helped me I have packed on 20 lbs and that bothers me a lot. I started taking half of a five mg about five days a week two days on full five. I did feel nervous about drinking with it but I adjusted very well a few weekends.

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Re: Alice (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I realized since being addicted to benzos, quitting and waiting for the real full effects from the lexapro that drinking can be tricky. The next morning if I over did it with hard alcohol at a party, I will have the WORST anxiety until about 2 o'-clock, and if you drink heavy with hard alcohol and you hit about a 6 out of ten on your drunk meter, u will act fine that night but you feel so s***ty and anxious the next day cause you don't remember anything past that point. Drinking heavy days in a row will give you feelings of depression. You can drink whenever but stay away from hard alcohol! Especially straight up, and stick to wine or beer and don't drink enough to were you say wow I drank a lot last night, the next morning cause then u feel s****y and depression creeps in...

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Re: Anna Cherry (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I just started lexaro today and I do drink once a wk like on a sat just wondering if it would be ok to take the med in the morning then around 6 at night to get my drink on lol has anyone had a problem with alcohol and lexapro?

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Re: mandy (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I. Been on it for 3weeks feel terrible I have a hard time leaving the house bad side effects I'm going to stop it felt better before taking it

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