Detox From Xanax 2mg 4 Times/ Day & Paxil 40 Mg/ Day
UpdatedDR.. has had me on Xanax 2mg 4 times a day and 40mg of Paxil a day for 10 yrs...NONE of which is HELPING me ANYMORE....I WANT OFF THESE DRUGS. HOW DO I DETOX WITH OUT KILLING MYSELF> I DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY TO GO INTO A DETOX PROGRAM
7 Replies
ive dealt with both of those and its hard, let me first talk about the paxil. you have two drugs and it will be two sets of symptoms. paxil worked for me at the lowest dose but did add sometimes to my mania, but there is so many reasons to get off it, It affects my left brain most creativity wich I value higher than the right.
going off paxil isnt anything like the xanax, but its good news its much easier ,you should start there and dont change your xanax habbit yet. You need to get your paxil down to the lowest dose i believe its still 10mg and the facts on the paxill label say " for 20 mg and above you need to ween down ,but at 10mg you can stop cold turkey with almost no bodily side effects but obviously you mite get irritable this goes away. Use some of the things that paxill tought you when it worked for the first time, it tought me about a switch in your head that paxill makes it not easy pull even when anxious, but I believe if you study the way you started to interac with people ,Im assuming it worked at one point and your anxiety changed based on things you did and the paxil just made it easier. You can keep those things like pausing and doing a breathing exercise for anxiety, it does work but not as good at first until you start to do one for most of an axious day,
So after all that (sorry) you need to cut your dose of paxil every two weeks by half untill your on 10mg then take that 10mg for 7 days then quit cold turkey, you will maybe be irritable, but I found it liberating from the side effects.
Dont even try gion back on it though it wont work youd have to take 60 or more mg,
Xanax if your taking the US maximum daily dose to be precribed 4 bars a day and if your lucky that 2 days after 28th day if script is for 30 days wich most are but their available to fill every 28 days thats 8 extra.
What I suggest about xanax which I am currently on but had quit before after 2 years and didnt take any for a few years, but my diagnoses is very complicated.
When I first kicked the xanax I did so cold turkey and it was rough for about 3 weeks mostly just stomach cramps and insomnia definatetly not like heroin which I kicked also so pay no attention to those who say xanax is harder,
The process is similair to paxils with one big difference "time" you can take time to ween off paxil with minimal side effect but not with xanax it satisfies the problem when you take the drug ,my point is if u use the 6 week structure above for paxl your failure rate could be extremely high and some tend to give up and end up on a slightly higher dose. This worked for me get down to 2mg a day in one week it will be miserable its best if u have a couple weeks the withdrawl of xanax is diferent than paxil you can ween off paxil in public while still doing your daily duties
With xanax when you get to one bar in a week by diong 3and a half bars one day then 3 or 2.75 bars the next when you get to 1 bar quit cold turkey this is when the lowest stress environment is crucial for sucess a vacation is the best it mite seem like a waste detoxing on a vacation but you wont feel that way when you get back,
10 years use has changed your body, habbits, and brain chemistry it all restores but can be overwhelming.
To keep from going back if you have to exercize and get a mild temporary sleep aid , I recomend trazadone or ammatryiptilyne wich i still sometimes use they dont work like Ambien based sleep aids but it works better for peole coming off xanax.
You should ween the sleep pill after two weeks, youre body has to learn how to fall asleep the way you did way back ,I would keep afew extra sleep meds in case of anxiety you can beat during the day with exercize and breathing exercizes the 4-7-8 test or the inhale hold exhale method ,google it if your not aware.
IF the meds have not been working good after 10 years you shoul quit fast and run ,becausae the next 10 years youll have to manage anxiety. You should absolutely resarch and do the breathing and if it starts to get to hard try the same ssri type drug as paxil but at its lowest dose never to exceed it should be easy paxil has to build up in you to work.
If none of things above work then you have to move to a beutifull island rent free of course with a beutifull partner, good luck with that one, if you dont like tropical island setting than do what youd do for your dream retirement, good luck dude
THANK YOU SHAWN33...I so HOPE I can do the way I am also Bipolar and CAN NOT take any of the vast amount of meds they have tried me on for it......I too have multipal very complicated diagnosis that not one Dr in 20 yrs has been abel to help.Bobb
don't get to worried, it takes time but withdrawal can be minimal, most important though is the xanax tapering doesn't work past a week or so you have to commit to just 2 weeks of hell then its over , it becomes all about sleep so that's why i suggest a sleep aid even can ween that later its much easier.
You have to employ natural Technics like the 4 7 8 breathing method and your diet is important and stay away from caffeine during the to weeks it will make it worse, it mite sound corny but you need every thing in your arsenal, aromatherapy, environment therapy, deep tissue massage it requires some money but only maybe $200 at most, you will have to Google that stuff if up need help I'm here on the blog to check replies every day, what I suggest isn't mainstream, or what Na will tell you however short term Na meeting can help but if u stay beware meetings come with much drama after 90 days ,but if withdrawal is bad enough go to Na sit at the table and spill your guts even if the tears come they all love to hear that and it usually therapeutic to relieve withdrawal symptoms once your clean, bolt! if you need go to a different meeting after u get clean ,reason is when u spill your guts some of the wolves in sheep's clothing can use your info against you, but they stay away till u get clean then go find another meeting its actually a good way of social communication that prepares you for like after the meeting like at work sober, I had to rely on Na but for a much worse drug it helped but leave after 90 days to avoid manipulation there's meetings every 5 miles in KC
hope this helps im not a doctor but am an x drug addict with medical training, you will here alot of bulls*** about this subject, block it out
ok good luck it is definataly doable and yes some anxiety mite come back use the natural stress relief methods, and never forget that you've liberated yourself from not only side effects but the hassle of it,
know this at some point if u feel like your dying from withdrawl go to the ER ask for IV benedrill same OTC allergy drug but its pure in a hospital that with a saline drip will make you fall asleep for sure, only do it if it feels dyer it mite cost more but a relapse at that point could stiffle your whole plan, dont be afraid to tell the ER the truth they will listen and respond
later dude let me know how it goes
shawn33nin (nin=nine inch nails)
How are you doing?
These types of medications do require a slow taper, if you've been on them for awhile, because if you suddenly stop taking them, there is a chance of experiencing withdrawal and rebound effects.
Learn more Paxil details here.
Learn more Xanax details here.
A sudden cessation of the Xanax might also cause seizures.
Thanks Verwon for asking and for the advice and info. I have cut the dose of both Xanax and Paxil in half, did so in about a month but stopped there for now. My Bipolar symptoms seemed to have decreased some also until about a month ago. I also have SAD and the approaching winter (HOLIDAYS) months are the WORST for me to deal with. So along with my many other Dx's..Severe PTSD, Major Depressive Disorder,Severe Anxiety Disorder and Bipolar, I thought it best to try to make it through the winter and then resume the detox. I am having a very tough time for over a month I am in a fairly severe mixed bipolar phase and am swinging from severe depression to mania so fast I actullay believe I am in both places at the same time. Oh yeah lest I forget I am also OCD, but my house looks like a JUNK TRUCK backed up to my door and unloaded into every room in my house except the bathroom and it is driving me totaly CRAZY but at the same time I feel so OVERWHELMED by it that I can NOT do anything about it. OK now I am going to stop whining because I do have ( for me) the best thing possible going on for me...GOD..I am a Christian and believe strongly in prayer which I stay alive by. If it were not for my faith in GOD I would have ( I am 99% certain ) offed myself a long time ago. So with my faith in GOD I will keep on keeping on and make it through this another winter and be abel to help myself in the spring. CLEAN my house ( in all ways) and finish my detox. Again Thanks for your concern and help, Bobb
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Going off of Xanax is very, very dangerous as your heart can stop any second. That's why there are places that we have to go whether we can afford them or not. I never knew Xanax was that dangerous until it came time to quit. I bet there is a MD somewhere that has a small office just for people coming off of bad drugs so we can do it safely. Is it really worth your life?
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