Constipation And Headaches
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I have been constipated for 3 weeks and I also suffer from severe headaches as well as my head sweats with pressure.

I was told I have a severe sinus infection has anyone else experienced all or any of these symptons. I was given Bactrim DS for the infection.

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Constipation itself will give you a headache, because your body is retaining waste and your intestines are soaking up some of that waste.

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The antibiotic may actually resolve the constipation issue, since it can cause diarrhea as a side effect. The FDA lists its other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and non-allergic skin rash.

Has there been any change, yet?

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Your constipation may complicate the sicknesses you have now. You have to drink more water to get out with it. Or have this Digestic by Mimonis to get relieved from any constipation you suffered. It works well in treating my constipation problem and I am sure will protect any of us threatened with constipation.

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