Arthri D For Joint Pain Relief (Page 15)


Has anyone taken Arthri-D for joint pain relief?

362 Replies (19 Pages)

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I suffer from an acute case of OA in the medical compartment of my right knee.

Actually, I was unaware that I had this problem until I took a "blow to the knee" and ended up in a Orthopedic Surgeons Office as a reslut of the injury. Anyway, its been 8 months now and I haven't been able to walk ever since.

I have been taking NSAID's, received Cortozone injections & have now had to move to a special "Uploading Brace", so I can walk.

Anyway, I saw the Jim Shriner Infomercial and was so excited that I ordered the product. I received three bottles, containing 120 capsules and took them as ordered (two capsules, twice daily), so its now been 90 days and I FEEL NOTHING! Abcolutely nothing at all.

I went to my Doctor and asked him about the product and he commented " that this product will NOT regenerate cartridge growth, it's just Glucosamine & Chondroitin, with some other natural ingredients added"

I was so crushed! I really wanted this product to work, heck if it had, I would have happily taken it for life.

Bottom Line: Arthri-D DOESN'T WORK!

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anyone with joint pain , go on to the ROAD BACK FOUNDATION SITE, this is a real eye opener. The site is run by people like you and I . This could change some people life.

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it does work, tired of druggies on here saying it doesn't.
Not a cure all, but very good and its the best glucosamine with good things added to help

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Wow, cobra venim? I'd ONLY do this under a doctor's CLOSE supervision... But, I hurt enough to try it as long as it didn't kill me! :)

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What are the side effects of Arthri-D?

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How has the Arthri-D worked out for you?

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Sorry, but i just can't let this go without a comment or two. "henri012" has offered what appears to be some very good personal experience with this product. As someone who suffers from little to no cartilage in neck from injuries received in USMC, i appreciate info from people who actually have tried it, especially from a fellow Vet. However, "henri012" also stated: "I am a member of ECKANKAR. and practice loving ones neighbor as one's self. Professionally, I am a 35 year Army Veteran (now retired since 2009), a full time college student (again), unemployed, but was just accepted by TSA (Transportation Security Administration) to be a Transportation Security Inspector for a major airport.

So let me get this Henri, you claim to love one's neighbor as one's self, yet you now will be working as one of the TSA goons who happily grope people (including children) at airports?!!! Well, my advice to you Sir, is to make sure you stock up on a LOT of this product - since you claim it has helped you so much - because if there's someone like me around your airport and we witness you groping a child, you will surely be needing it. ;) I'd be careful out there while doing your 'job'.

Otherwise, peace bro!

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I have RA and am searching for some relief. Definitely awaiting Henri's response on Arthri-D.

To: Hermes50-Your comment was TOTALLY inappropriate and unnecessary and ultimately sounded like a threat to Henri. You should be ashamed of yourself. This forum is definitely not for that purpose. Please be an adult and refrain yourself!!

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I've been taking this for almost a month and I'd have to say it isn't a miracle. But I think it does help because if it didn't I'd be hurting alot more by now. I'd just like to say to everyone who has spent time on this site that, regardless of what you take, only the body can cure something like this (short of joint replacemetn anyways). By taking whatever you are just trying to help it. So you need to use common sense. Are you overweight? Loose some weight. Do you drink hard alcohol everyday? Cut back. Etc, etc. I'll reply back in a couple more weeks to give a final opinion.

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Thanks Linda (I'm a nurse), as I walk "every single day" (miles and miles at 52), and it does help 'some' for me. Am trying to find a good exercise regimen, and hope to start doing the same for my 81 year old mom, who sleeps (she has discord lupus, arthritius, joint pain, etc.) 'alot' but moves around as much as she can (sadly the pills that she takes really don't seem to help much, and causes her to be very tired, coumadin-warfarin, AMLOD/BENZ, and Metoprolol. Only me but I truly believe our nation is over medicating itself, which is causing even more issues and breakdowns to our bodies. We're NOT willing to do vital research on 'natural products' which I truly believe will have much less side effects in the long run, mainly because corporate America doesn't want to get off that money train that's grown by leaps and bounds.) less and less because of her meds and I really wish we could find a viable solution to all of this.
In the mean while, thanks to those who've posted, hopefully and prayerfully we WILL find solutions to these issues, but very sadly I DO NOT believe it will be in our life time.
Stay aware, stay alert, and don't be duped.

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Jim Shriner from the infomercial should be a televagelist (or maybe he is on the side) Leper Messiah..(it helps Fibromyalgia which is a central nervous system disorder...I think not).You can get the same or better joint pain relief from a proven product called Move Free triple strength which you can find at Walgreens once or twice a month buy 1 get 1 free (about 16.00 for a month supply...1/3 the cost of Arthri-D).

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Dear Linda,

If you have never tried cranial-sacral therapy for your your sacrum/pelvic area, I would find a well qualified physical therapist (NOT A CHIROPRACTOR) who is trained in myofascial and cranial-sacral therapies. I am plagued with joint, disk and headache problems and have been for over twenty years. After trying every medication, from narcotic to epilepsy, to handfuls of various supplements, to antidepressants, muscle relaxers, imitrix pins, to physical therapists, neurosurgeons, orthos, massage therapy, chiropractors, and more. I eventually had to have cervical spinal fusion, however, now that I have finally gotten off of morphine (long acting and short acting), I owe it all to my cranial sacral therapist. It is amazing body healing, if you find the right person. One of the pioneers of this work is Ingrid Bacci. You can read about her here:

Good luck and good living to you.

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Do not purchase this stuff. Just keep moving. Walking, running etc. I also do cardio kick, spinning class, body sculpt with weights, Pilates & yoga. I am 68 years old, almost 69 and I will continue to do all this because I can.

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Well it has been over 6 Months since I started taking SierraSil and I must say that it has really been consistent with pain relief and movement ability. I have now cut back to 2 capsules a day as my system has come to expect the mineral influx on a daily basis. My shoulder is pain free and fully mobile along with the ability to do the important exercise to keep in shape. I will keep watching this thread for further updates from everyone. Don't get off track and keep it polite.

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I saw the infomercial on TV about Arthri-D with Jim Shriner, and I would like to know of anyone that has been taking this medicine for at least 5 weeks.
Has this product done you more, less or no change since starting this product?
This is the 1st product claiming it actually restores your condition. It seems that doctors usually gives prescriptions to "help" your problems, never "cures" because they are not there to help with the cure but there to help you "deal" with your health isssues.

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Well...I first came here, trying to help my 79 yr old mother some knee relief. She's done the cortisone shot, and physical therapy excercises...and she things those things helped her. She has even contemplated knee replacement surgery, but I don't even know if 79 is too old for that?
One thing I do know..and some of you may be interested in this wonderful product...I am a big believer in all things natural...mostly because I believe that God..being perfect...created a perfect world. And..if HE did in deed create a perfect world..then in this world exists a natural substance for EVERY pain and illness there is. (otherwise HE didn't create a perfect world). doesn't that make sense? Anyway..I personally believe that the existance of heavy metals and toxins are the reason that many many wonderful, otherwise helpful..natural substances may not work correctly. think about it...if your body is full of toxins and/or heavy metals, then I believe its possible that those are blocking the good things trying to do their job. I'm saying all this to let you all know about something my entire family has been taking for about 5 yrs now. If you don't have a chronic illness/disease....then use this for *prevention*. This is my website...please read all about the NCD...and the husband and I get testimonials from people constantly, and ship this to people all over the world weekly. Recently, it has greatly been helping the people in Japan, by pulling the radiation out of their bodies. We will NEVER know how much of that radiation has came into the US...thru the air..or also in any foods. Almost all seafood now, is saturated in mercury. Mercury has been linked to dementia...alzheimers (notice..there is NO "T" in that word).., fibro myalgia, Lupus, and even MS. It has also been proven, though the medical doctors, and the mighty FDA would never admit it..that mercury (mainly from baby vaccinations) is the reason for the high number of Autism, and my husband and I have received numerous testimonials from parents of Autistic children, greatly recovering from this horrible illness/disease. Anyway..I still think a couple of things on this forum will work..but it wouldn't hurt to DETOX your body first. If you're interested..please go to zeolite magic .com (no spaces) if you have time..listen to the video by Rik Deitsch.

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Hi Scott,
Yes, I hope you can report back in a few more weeks to let us know how this product is actually decreasing any pain that you've been feeling.
I'm looking for any help in decreasing my lower back pain that I deal with all day long. I'm able to sleep about 5-6 hours a night. I've tried ice packs, heating pads, most meds, but I am willing to try this product, it sounds like it's "natural" and I like that idea. I just hope this product does even half of what it claims to do. :-)

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AngieB, Hello, yes I'm still taking it. So far I wouldn't say that it is any better then teh Nutrajoint that I was taking before. Maybe not even as good. Going to give it some more time. FYI, I had a disc injury in my lower back that was causing me a lot of trouble too. I keep it under control using an inversion table. Only takes a couple minutes a day and really makes a big difference.

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Wow. Do your homework before you try and insult us on this post. The radiation levels in Japan are lower than in most other major cities in the World. Try your fear mongering on another medium. You should always use God in a positive manner. Good luck to you.

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