Ritodrine Forums

Recently active Ritodrine forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Ritodrine and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

My husband and I have had our daughter, which is now 30, tested for everything and the doctors can't seem to be able to give us a diagnosis, and things are not getting any better. My beautiful daughter has struggled and suffered so much and it breaks my heart to know that the Yutopar that was given to me, affected my baby. My daughter is the one who suffers from it on a daily basis. My second child is normal, and I did not take the drug while carrying him. I would really like to talk to all of you, something needs to be done to care for these kids that are now adults that can not cope. They sleep, eat, are extremely depressed, suicidal thoughts, learning problems, unable to conform to society, lies, bi-polar, anti-social, can't function in everyday life and with everyday problem...

188 REPLIES Updated

I was given Ritodrine intravenously from 26 through 31 week’s then orally through 34 weeks. I gave birth at 39.5 weeks. My son who is 24 years old now has gastrointestinal issues IBS, Gastritis, Gerd, and possible Leaky Gut. He suffers from anxiety and intermittent depression. Kidney stones too, at 24 yrs old he’s already had 5 stone (2 of which have required hospitalization). Who else’s child has had similar issues? Please connect. Thank you. ## All 4 of my children have the same problem and with the oldest son I was on the drug the earliest and longest, and he has anger issues and thinks things that are not true. We don’t even talk because he literally has made up a scenario in his head that never happened. When I found this site and read all the stories of oth...

6 REPLIES Updated

I took this drug in 1987 from the time I was twenty weeks pregnant until I delivered emergency C-section December 1987, eight weeks early. My son's umbilical cord was only 5 inches long and he weighed 4lb 14oz. Since he was almost two years old, he has had all kinds of immune disorders. He had ITP when he was two and he has had MRSA, staph infections, chronic allergies, depression and right now at the age of 25 he is having diagnosis to figure out if he has ulcers or whatever. I even pay a lot of money for him to take a immune support supplement. It has been very frustrating over the years. ## I too took this drug at 20 wks and deliver via c-section in Nov. 1988. My son was born with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. His Apgar score was very low. We have experienced just a...

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I was placed on this drug IV for 17 days . after my amniotic fluid ruptured. I was about 31 weeks pregnant when my son was finally delivered. He has severe RSD and was very septic. I have had some serious health issues and was wondering if there are any Moms out there that I could talk to . I became diabetic after my sons death, some strange lung problems and most recently in 2015 diagnosed with Dermatomyositis. I am interested in legal counsel. This happened in 1983 and still deeply disturbs me. We need a support group....... ## You have passed the time to file as an individual. Check and see if there are any legal cases against the manufacturer of the drug that you were given. But, unfortunately, after this length of time, it is highly unlikely. If you haven't seen a psychologist ...

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