Diet / Weight Loss

This page contains the most recent discussion threads pertaining to Diet / Weight Loss, as well as a list of all of the drugs falling within this category.

Diet / Weight Loss Overview

Dieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated way to decrease, maintain, or increase body weight, or to prevent and treat diseases such as diabetes and obesity. As weight loss depends on calorie intake, different kinds of calorie-reduced diets, such as those emphasising particular macronutrients (low-fat, low-carbohydrate, etc.), have been shown to be no more effective than one another. As weight regain is common, diet success is best predicted by long-term adherence. Regardless, the ...

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Recent Diet / Weight Loss Forums: RSS Feed

Mounjaro itchy red welt at injection site

I’m in my second month taking Mounjaro for weight loss. I am in the first month on the .5 dosage. On week 2 I noticed an extremely itchy red welt at the injection site on my stomach. Week 3’s site is the same. Is anyone else experiencing this? Should I be concerned? I have no other side effects. ## Hello, Cindy! How are you? You should have youf doctor check it out, to be safe, because if you are having an allergic reaction, it could get worse with time, and repeated exposure. Most administration site reactions are benign, so it may not be anything to worry about, but it never hurts to be sure. The FDA lists other side effects of Mounjaro as possibly including nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, appetite loss, and abdominal pain. Ref: Mounjaro Information ## Good afternoon. Let me ...

Updated in Mounjaro
Contrave and smelly urine

OMGOSH... I can not believe I am asking this, but.... I am on month 4 of Contrave and my urine has an odor. I have looked at the side effects and I do not see that as one of them.... Does anyone else have this issue or is it just me? ## Almost any medication can cause such a side effect, according to NIH studies, since you are adding a new chemical to your body. However, if you start experiencing other symptoms, such as pain, burning when urinating, or blood in your urine, please see your doctor, as soon as possible. Are you on any other medications? ## I’m having the same issue. Going to see doctor to make sure it isn’t another problem, but I’m almost positive it’s the Contrave. Started about a month in as well. ## Yes, yes, yes. I am entering my third month on ...

Updated in Contrave
X112 liquid diet drops

Appetite suppressant for weight loss. ## I would like to buy this product again for weight loss. It was the most effective weight loss product I have ever used. I bought it in Erlangen, Germany in a Pharmacy. I would like to know how I could purchase it again? It is over the counter and a non-prescription. It is a liquid in a bottle - X112 . ## I also took the diet X112 while I was stationed in Germany. It was the only diet med that ever worked for me and I kept the weight off for several years after I stopped taking it. I wish that I could find it also so please let me know if and when anyone does. Mine was prescribed by a doctor. ## I have just recently heard of X112 myself. I need to lose weight and have a bad knee. These drops would help me so much. Please let me know if they can be...

Updated in Caffeine
Why Is Contrave Not Working

I took Contrave and lost 52 pounds in 10 months, which has put me back to my ideal body weight. The problem is that it has not been working after that 10 months. I don’t have any side effects, but have a ridiculous appetite now. Almost to the point of wanting to binge eat. Anybody else been on it a while and have it stop working? I’ve gained almost 10 pounds back in the last few months. I’m not sure whether to ask my doctor about stopping it, but I’m afraid my appetite will be even worse. Anybody? ## Why is Contrave not working? According to the official manufacturer’s website, there are a number of possible reasons why you’re not losing weight: You’re Not Getting Enough SleepYou’re Not Drinking Enough WaterYour Exercise Routine Is Ineffec...

Updated in Contrave
Fentermina and Acxion

Just wonder what type of medication this was? ## Now I don't know what Acxion is but I do know that Fentermina is the same as Phentermine, a diet pill which reduces the appetite. Maybe Acxion is something along the same lines? Good Luck! ## I WAS TAKING ACXION (FENTERMINA FOR ABOUT 6 MONTHS AND LOST 59 LBS IN JUST 4 MONTHS. YUP I SURE DIID FROM A SIZE 12 TO A SIZE 2. I FEEL GREAT AND I AM SO ENERGETIC. I AM ALWAYS ON THE GO GO GO. I AM NO LONGER TAKING THE PILLS, BUT I WOULD BUY THEM ACROSS THE BORDER, JUST 28.00 FOR THE BOX OF 30 PILLS, 1 PILL A DAY. GOOD-LUCK..... ## Is this diet pill for women only ? Acxion Fentermina ## How can i get the acxion pills? ## In the US, this type of med is prescription only, so you would need to see your doctor to get it. ## I also use Acxion and get...

Updated in Phentermine
Pill saturn imprint white round

I found two white, round pills on the floor while cleaning my place. I'm renting so maybe they were left behind? On one side is what looks like the planet Saturn, and the other side is scored down the middle. I have no idea what they are and can't find any information about them. Anyone have any idea what these are? I'm scared there may be more and I don't want my dog eating them because I have absolutely no idea what kind of pill this is. ## Hi Alice, There seem to be a few suspects with similar pill descriptions that offer clues as to what yours might be (based on having a saturn-like imprint)... Perhaps the following list can generate some new leads on further search efforts: "XTC" Hydroxycut (by iovate) Tamoxifen / Nolvadex (by AstraZeneca) Anapolon / Oxymeth...

Updated in Hydroxycut
Sudden dizziness after eating

This is my 3rd day on Contrave (1 pill in the morning). First day i felt a little woozy, second day i felt great. Today, after having lunch, I felt a sudden wave of dizziness to the point that I felt I had difficulty walking in a straight line. A couple of hours later it somewhat subsided, however, after I ate a little packet of almonds, the dizziness started again. Anyone else has experienced this? Does it go away with time? Thanks! ## It is always best to check with your doctor to be sure nothing else is going on, but the FDA does warn that nausea, and dizziness are the most common side effects of Contrave, along with headache, and mood changes. Ref: Contrave Information How are you feeling, now? Has there been any change? Are you on any other medications?

Updated in Contrave
BI 62 preludin

Image of bi 62 preludin ## They don't make it anymore, but the generic of Bontril (phendimetrazine) is awesome. Scientists tinkered with the chemical formula to create phendimetrazine and it's quite close, and really effective if you take the right dose. 35mg. pills should do the trick. ## Yes, this brand name is no longer available, but there are some generics available, so your doctor should be able to prescribe something equivalent. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, insomnia, and weight loss. Is there anything else I can help with? ## BI - 62. Wash orange coating off with water. This will take about 5 minutes. Take orally with a cup of coffee. Watch the poun...

Updated in Phendimetrazine
697 diet pill

I used to take a diet pill which was a white capsule with the numbers 697 printed on it. Where can I get this pill and what is the name of it? I sometimes had fasting with it. ## I also have been looking for the same med for years, it really works ## Do you happen to remember what the name of it was? Otherwise, I am afraid I cannot help you. ## Those 697 pills where from a dr dillinger who is in jail most likely or died by now. He made them himself. They where methamphetamine in a clear cap with the #697 on them. ## He was in brooklyn on bay parkway and they did work really well. I was one of his original dollies fat girl he made real thin in 1975. ## I wish I can find a doctor like him that made you lose weight, but I understand very hard, they all are afraid and I understand that too,...

Updated in Fastin
Phentermine anyone have strange side effects?

I just started taking this medicine for weight loss. I am having hot flashes and cold chills, terrible headache and a tingly head. I feel awful. Has anybody taken this and had the same reaction? If so did it pass after a few days? Gotta say this...I am not ever hungry! Like to hear from anyone that has taken this med. Thanks :) ## hi jen! I have also been taking phentermine for about 2 months now, and yes, the medicine can be great, but the side effects aren't always pretty. when i first started taking them, i had a headache, was super thirsty, and felt like i could crawl out of my skin! I now only get an occasional headache and still deal with the insomnia. what dosage are you on? maybe you should start small, say 18 mg and then move on to 30 when that doesn't work anymore, the...

Updated in Phentermine

Diet / Weight Loss Medications (211 results)